Take it easy! Everything's gonna be fine.

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No offense, but I dont feel we can afford to breathe. The healthcare bill passed as well when so many thought/said it would not. The time to act is now and all of the time. Remember, your enemies never rest until their agenda has been met. The moment you sleep, the moment you fail.
*Cough* Join the NRA! Donate when you can. *Cough*

Better idea. Take the money you would be throwing away to the NRA and take a teacher shooting. It will have more effect, though you won't get a free hat and NRA stamped flashlight.
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Yes, it's still the same arguments. However there have been some important changes. We are much stronger because during the time between then and now literally millions of tactical firearms have been sold and new members have joined our ranks.

And the Supreme Court has ruled that the "right to keep and bare arms" is an individual right of "the people." Banning something that is protected by the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution is highly questionable.

These are things the media is being careful to not mention.
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