Texas Activists Beware; "Texas Gun Rights"

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Aug 14, 2011
Apparently good 'ol "no compromises" supposed gun rights huckster Dudley Brown (of NAGR, RMGO, and many others) has set up shop in Austin, TX, under the name "Texas Gun Rights."

Like every other iteration of the same grift, the game is backbiting all the serious/established players actually working and achieving progress on the gun rights front, claiming they are intentionally slow-walking or blocking more aggressive measures, and the Brown organization valiantly resisting these corrupt half-measures (as though they even have a seat at the negotiating table). Also a good dose of completely off-topic "conservative" political issues are routinely sprinkled in so as to gin up as much donor excitement as possible. Very lucrative gambit during the Obama years.

The game is to attract the attention of the most passionate/impatient among us, in the hopes that this translates into a greater desire to donate. The practical effect is an increase in the internal discord and signal-to-noise ratio of gun rights efforts, and more than once, spoiling of carefully negotiated beneficial legislation during its critical phase. At which point the Brown group declares "victory" despite accomplishing nothing but further delay/denial of its members' gun rights.

The fact their homepage has the following quote (remember, this is a Texas-specific group);
"Gun owners’ rights have been slipping away in the past few decades."
Shows what an utter, laughable joke of a con this is, since gun rights are in the best place they've been here in many decades. Only some carpet-bagger from up north would even think such nonsense. Important gun rights groups are springing up in the Lone Star State as we take back what was stolen over a century ago, but so are guys like these that are simply parasites that do nothing but divert precious resources from groups like TSRA (and even the NRA) that have a much stronger record of actually achieving results. Which is why I felt compelled to put together this PSA.

These guys are claiming governor Abbot has 'betrayed' us for not making Constitutional Carry a priority this session (as though it's even up to him), despite the fact he's helped us drop the permit fee enormously, signed permitted open carry, campus carry, and even normalized NFA item rules with the feds. And IIRC stated he would sign Constitutional Carry were it passed by congress. So spiteful as to be a rather obvious ploy for attention & money. Please don't donate to these shysters.

barnbwt wrote:
The practical effect is an increase in the internal discord...

You are concerned about this man and his organization increasing discord in the Texas gun rights movement, yet in a post lacing in specifics from which people could judge for themselves whether his actions deserve support, you instead call him a:
  • Huckster
  • Grifter
  • Con[man], and
  • Carpet-Bagger
Yeah, that's going to go a long way to ameliorate the discord.
You left shyster off your list :)
The truth sometimes hurts!
Last word of the original post ;)


PS - I never said a frog *couldn't* drain a swamp, but why would you expect one to? Just a funny observation of pop-culture references
You are concerned about this man and his organization increasing discord in the Texas gun rights movement, yet in a post lacing in specifics from which people could judge for themselves whether his actions deserve support, you instead call him a:
  • Huckster
  • Grifter
  • Con[man], and
  • Carpet-Bagger
Yeah, that's going to go a long way to ameliorate the discord.
You're kidding, right?* First page of Google hits for "Dudley Brown" is entirely damning apart from his own orgs' links;
Second Amendment Foundation, what do they know? https://www.saf.org/dudley-browns-despicable-deception/
A Facebook blog dedicated to documenting his treachery; https://www.facebook.com/The-Truth-...ociation-for-Gun-Rights-NAGR-325633370820160/
Those mean 'ol fatcats at the NRA who never done nuthin' for not-nonebody; http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/nra-warns-gun-owners-in-florida-of-alleged-scam-7512999
Yet another gun blog documenting how RMGO ruined the CO mag-ban repeal; http://gunfreezone.net/index.php/2016/03/08/when-you-see-dudley-brown-be-sure-to-thank-him/
A Mother Jones article of all things, documenting how Brown's bomb-throwing campaigns aided Democrats in Colorado; http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/10/dudley-brown-guns-colorado-Democrats/
A thread complaining of excessive donation-hustling (even by NRA standards) and alleging the sale of contact info to spammers; http://nyfirearms.com/forums/laws-p...efense-weapons/71384-dudley-brown-emails.html

Google hits on NAGR and RMGO are much the same. Gotta give Brown credit on the name of this new group, it's so generic and common a phrase 'Texas Gun Rights' that it's almost impossible to get search results relevant to the group itself like you can his other efforts. And it's not super evident on TGR's webpage, apart from a tiny NAGR icon next to their facebook link, what ties they have to other groups (and especially not who their leadership figures are). Rather, there's at least four 'donation' buttons of various types on every page, and no other content or plans of action besides "no compromise."

If his past playbook is any indication, Brown will loudly and obnoxiously butt his way into the scene via lobbying access, and demand that any future Constitutional Carry bill introduced have no exceptions whatsoever (most likely the list of GFZs that is sure to be retained for the time being), or he will hue and cry how anybody willing to accept less is a traitor and needs to be removed next election. In fact, if someone who does have a Facebook account would log on to their FB page, I'd love a screenshot to be posted since I would almost bet money we'd see exactly that. The only pols that actually need to be gone for this to go to a vote are those blocking the road, which would be Todd Hunter (House Calendars guy who keeps stalling), and the big one Joe Strauss (constant hindrance to Open Carry until the end). Democrat Joan Huffman also proved to be a prominent irritant in the Senate during the open carry deliberations. Sadly, none of these people are what we'd call 'touchable' by their respective electorates.


*or more likely affiliated with one of Brown's many groups. To be sure; this guy is the literal "Al Sharpton" of gun-rights huckstery, and is more counterproductive than useful just like that sad excuse for a civil rights leader (and for the exact same reasons). Very common knowledge among the gun rights activism scene at this point, he's burned so many bridges.
Do a search for "Dudley" or "Brown" or "NAGR" on TGR's website; el zilcho
Do a Google Search for "Texas Gun Rights" "Dudley Brown"; National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) President Dudley Brown along with state affiliate Texas Gun Rights (TXGR)

This stinks to high heaven of "Mom's Demand Action" "Mayors Against Illegal guns" "Everytown USA" style astroturf, of hiding your links to the infamous 'mothership' org & figures so as to snooker new marks into donating with bold promises. Brown is the head of NAGR, which is TGRs boss, and their main spokesman much like LaPierre, yet there is not so much as an endorsement or mention of his name on his affiliate's site. Just a bold mission statement, and lots & lots of links to donate.


PS- NAGR currently claims 4.5 million members. NRA claims more than 5 million. Think about it for a second or two, and that the NRA openly labels NAGR a "scam" ;)
they also have a website at www. txgunrights.org (not hotlinked for trackback purposes)
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Owen: I had to modify your URL to keep it from linking.

I can confirm a lot of what people are saying about Mr. Brown. I had some interaction with him after The Troubles here on THR, and the advice he offered was at least ethically questionable, of not downright immoral.

I wouldn't choose to support any of his (many) organizations based on my conversations with the man. I would also reject any advertising he offered, regardless of price.

I just choose not to be associated with that.
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