Texas Open Carry

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I'm not passive aggressive... I have gone thru 3 cans of pepper get on loose dogs in my neighborhood in the past 3 years... I am not going to get bit by a loose dog with no leash or collar... I came super close to shooting one aggressive dog 6 months ago who wasn't contained but at the last second the dog's owner whistled him back home... I gave the owner .02 about keeping his dog on his property... I would have shot my aggressive neighbor's dog a month ago who came into MY yard and started growling aggressively at me but it was the only time I wasn't carrying... I was only going to my truck in my driveway..

sorry to burst your bubble but I'm no attention seeker... I just love open carry and feel like I'm the only one in the greater Houston area...
Sorry, but your first post made it quite clear. Sometimes, open carriers are so pleased with the reaction they get, they don't realize how much they reveal about their motivation.
I like the flexibility the new laws provide. It's easier to adjust clothing for weather changes while I'm out and about. However, I'd estimate I conceal at least 98% of the time. It's natural to me as a personal choice for OPSEC.

I'm not getting what any of this has to with carrying open vs concealed.

What he is saying us that he feels his firearm intimidates people and he enjoys it. Not exactly the type of post we should expect to see on "The High Road."
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