The conservative crack up

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Actually, Buckley is the personification of "neocon", those that talk a conservative game but, in fact, promote collectivism, intrusive government, the U.N., world government, etc.

Maybe you need to read more from Buckley and company. Most of the issues of National Review for the last several months have had some article or another bashing Kofi Annan and the UN for one thing or another.

I think you'll have a very hard time making the case that WFB is a neocon.
Actually, Buckley is the personification of "neocon", those that talk a conservative game but, in fact, promote collectivism, intrusive government, the U.N., world government, etc.

His magazine National Review has an editorial position against the war on drugs, against gun control, and against the UN in general. I think you may be mistaken.
Take your pick: Emperor (Neo-Con) or Socialist Party (Neo-Comm).

Then there are the rest of us.

We are in the throes of massive political change. All bets are off. I don't believe that Hillary, if elected, can govern America. But I don't know who can any more.
Then would you care to give a definition of Republican, that all elected Republicans adhere to? Even loosely?

They chose not to be Democrats for various reasons. Look at the platforms. There is no ancient tribal mantra to which they are accountable. Parties evolve with the times. Those who think some founding principles have been betrayed are trying to make rules where there is no game. Look at the current Congress, what they support, and recent administrations and you will define the party. If you want to find what you might call true conservatives, look to a wing or individuals within the party. If parties on the whole were too radical, away from the center, they wouldn't win elections.

I will bet you that in more recent years a huge number of people are Republicans, simply because the abortion rights issue is bipolar, and each of the two major parties has staked its claim to one side or the other. That has zero to do with what Democrat and Republican used to mean (or should). Granted, it does not necessarily mean that party affiliation indicates how one feels about abortion, but it would be the basis of a good guess.
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