"The Real Iraq News"

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I seem to recall that the Preamble to the Constitution states that the rights and freedoms of "all men" are "endowed by the Creator"....an important distinction,since societies and governments can only grant "privilege".
All rights are endowed to all of us,the society/government only "recognozes "them( or in the case of too much gov't,chooses not to).
I'm not picking sides here folks,just thought it worthy of mention.
Miko.....interesting user name.Are you Japanese by any chance??
The government takes more than half of my income every year

Only because you allow it to. IMHO it is YOUR DUTY to legally avoid paying as much income tax as possible. I generate over $100,000 a year and last year only paid on about $16,000 after deductions IIRC. My life is one big write off and centers on giving .gov as little as possible. The killer is FICA or Social Security of which a tidy %15.3 is taken right off the top. Let's see $16,000 x 0.153 = $2448. So in reality, I only took home $13,522, think about that, that's called putting all your money back into your business BTW. (for example, I have 3 light trucks and a car) I started this way of thinking after administering my father's estate and finding that the $60,000 he paid into FICA over his lifetime would be kept by .gov except for a $250 burial allowance. :barf:

They say that if more people had to pay their taxes out of pocket like I do instead of it being quietly deducted and not felt by the wallet every week you would see taxes drop in no time.

Anyhow, how is this all relating to the original post? :D
280plus, I hope your tax accountant knows what he is doing. I don't know your situation, but if a lot of your deductions are due to business expenses, the IRS will scrutinize them carefully if you or your business ever gets audited. I own my own business, and I have talked with two differnet tax firms about reducing my tax burden, and they assure me I can't go any lower without raising flags. I don't want to go to jail worse than I don't want to pay taxes.

For the average american earning 100,000 dollars, there is no way for him to legally get by paying taxes on just $16,0000.
Perfectly good thread driven straight into the ditch.

I started reading because I too know I'm being lied to by media, be it MSM or alternative. Stories are mutually contradictory. No way to square the discrepency via different view. So what's reality?

So a really interesting thread ends up in the ditch when an anarcho-libertarian rides by and throws a few theological and ideological stink bombs.

Focus people, focus.
LG, let me clarify, ~ %25 goes to cost of sales, then with things like vehicle write offs, insurance, local taxes, GAS :barf: , medical insurance and copays, paper, pens, tools, on and on and on, it is quite possible for me to whittle it right down. I'm at 62 K for the year right now and only show ~16K in taxable before my medical comes out. I'm on the road so I get meals, I destroy clothes regularly so I take clothing and boots. If I come out high at the end I buy something for the business. Last year I put heavier springs on one of the trucks. PM me about your business so we can compare? Other than that:

Focus people, focus.


Just an afterthought, if the .gov wants more taxes out of me they're going to have to get those gas prices back down. How's that for consolation? :evil:
Perfectly good thread driven straight into the ditch.
Yes, it's a shame that the person who was discussing his views in an entirely calm, rational and well-thought manner was repeatedly attacked as being paranoid, anarchist, and delusional by people who did not feel compelled to address any of his actual points. :rolleyes:
Yea well, we got the master, slave, scheme thing down to what the real problem was......taxes.
I guess you're not one of the fans of the Fair Tax reform, then? Seems that taxes are a major problem with a good enough percentage of the population that the .gov itself is considering doing something about it. Perhaps he has a point?

Anyways, we are totally off the subject of this thread so I am going to step out now as I don't really have a say in what this was originally about...
Anyways, we are totally off the subject of this thread
Funny how these things can drift, isn't it? I just posted it for the info it contained and because I do question what the medias feed us and who/what to believe. It seems you can find just about any take you want on the whole reenlistment / new enlistment theme depending on who's bending the story to fit what agenda. So what, if any of it, can we be sure is factual?
I guess you're not one of the fans of the Fair Tax reform, then? Seems that taxes are a major problem with a good enough percentage of the population that the .gov itself is considering doing something about it. Perhaps he has a point?

GTS, that was a ignorant thing to guess, no one I know likes paying taxes. Are you saying we're a nation of Slaves and we serve Masters? It's about the same leap you just made. (rhetorical question for making a point)

Wow, this thread sure fell apart. The initial post was good.

I'm married = slave.. got to go..
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