Things I learned at the gun show.

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Some guy would come up to my table, tire-kicking, and carrying some sort or another of gun. My line, usually, was, "Did you just buy that lovely treasure, or are you trying to sell that old piece of junk?"

Yeah, it usually took a moment or two...:)

I gather, arthurcw, that you are posting about the Pasadena High Caliber show last weekend. Just to let you know, I was there as well. You may have recognized me. I was the fat middle aged white guy with a beard and glasses :D .

And earthworm, a big plus 1 for you....

Does your wife have any single sisters who are independently wealthy, own a liquor store, and are attracted to divorced chefs who own a suppressor manufacturing company?

I'm just asking......
I too enjoy guns shows. I don't usually buy much (lack of funds), but the gizmos, gadgets, and especially the guns sure make me wish I had lots of extra cash.

A word about the gizmos and gadgets...Now, I am not a tacticool guy. I own very little that would be considered tacticool (mostly because my wife would laugh uproariously if I ever showed up in a boonie hat which she calls a tactical Gilligan hat), but as I peruse the rows of cool gadgets, those tactical potato peelers and what not sure are enticing. They are the kinds of things that when you get them home you can't figure out what on earth to do with them, but while you are at the show they seem essential to continued life:confused: .

A word about dealers at the shows...I really do enjoy pretending to be interested in a .40 Hi-point handgun just hear the dealer extol the plethera of virtues residing in that little gem. From the way they talk Hi-point is going to leave Glock in the dust anyday now.

A word about the scary people...It always bothers me to see the one guy in the room that looks and acts like his IQ is less than his age toting around two AR clones and a custom 1911 on each hip. Maybe I am just jealous.

Seriously, they rock. My twin girls (5) have a pair w/the inflateable tires and wood racks. I put a U shaped bit o' metal and the backs, and you can LINK them (for your M-60 Lil Red Wagon gun!) When ever they out grow them, I'm paintin' 'em CAMO!! I can transport literally 2500-3000 rounds in each, PLUS the assorted other Stuff-I-HAVE-To-Have.

Go-go Lil Red Wagons!
The Guy:
Perhaps Gunkid missed the boat. Tactical Radio Flyers are much more practical.

XD Fan:
Funny you should bring up the Hi Points. The guy I referred to in my original post that was in dire straights cause he was asking ME about stuff… Well, he was wanting to know where he could get someone to mount a rail on his Hi Point for a laser. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not knocking Hi Points. If that is what you can afford, great. But if you got the money to be askin’ about a custom job for your Hi Point… get a used Glock.

Sorry, nope. One of a kind gun totin’ redhed. Sorry.

Kurt S.:
Sure did spot you… it was like looking in a mirror.

Art Eatman:
I think I’m gonna start telling people, “Everyone is capable of being a <insert word for woman of purchasable affection here>, all that’s left is to haggle over the zero’s.”

BIG +1 on the over crowding. I know they have more room at the GRB, but the dealers are much more relaxed at the Pasadena venue. And no $$ for Parking.

I think they prefer the term “trekker.” I’m just sitting here thinking about Kirk with a tricked out tacticool AR. Yep! I can see it.

We look forward to having you back in the States. God’s speed!

CSA 357:
Sadly, yes. Going back this weekend to the one in town to see if I can get another 1000 rounds. I still curse the people in Rifle Country for getting me hooked on the SKS!

OH! And there is another show the following weekend back in Pasadena. 3 in a row and my wife wants to get there at open for each one.
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