THIS is Why We Carry

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Oct 30, 2008
Peyton, CO
Don't know if this video has been brought up here before(I searched), but thought it was too good not to share. Powerful video that I put on my Facebook so that many people can see it and perhaps change some minds.

Moderator Note- there have been complaints re. the language in this video. NSFW or children.


Link fixed.
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I have also heard of this being a fake.
Yes it's a good idea to be armed, and people with baseball bats can certainly be dangerous.
IMHO the "defender" handled the situation poorly. Actually walking toward the baseballbat guy is not a good thing to do. Sure, one has a gun, and the bat has a limited reach -- but that's not a reason to get closer to the reach of the bat.
Somehow, the whole attitude of the defender just does not strike me as right. OK he says some nasty words, but the tone of voice is ... wrong. To "run-of-the-mill." Just my opinion.
Don't take this tape as a lesson. It's a fake. Fake fake fake fake fake.
In a future post, I plan to tell you how I really feel ........
This is a perfect example of why to never trust anything you see over the Internet. Crap like this actually gives legitimate concealed gun owners a bad name. Phony from the get go and anybody over 20 years old should see it for what it is. On some days I wish I could wake up and find out Gore's invention never happened.
I'm not saying it's real or fake. The people that posted it claim it's real and not one of you doubters has posted any proof to the contrary.

Just because things didn't happen the way you would imagine them happening doesn't mean it's a fake.

Besides, should you ever be in a bad situation you should also not expect things to go according to plan. If you won't take my word for it maybe you'll take Field Marshall Helmuth von Moltke who famously said (I'm paraphrasing) "No plan survives first contact with the enemy". This is also one of Murphy's Laws of combat. :)
Crap like this actually gives legitimate concealed gun owners a bad name.


I dunno about the rest of you, but to me, accepting the responsibility to carry a deadly weapon on my person on a daily basis actually means a few things.

First and foremost, it means that I have the responsibility to avoid conflict at all costs. Getting in petty squabbles with an aggressive individual is not worth the cost of having to take a life, if that aggressive situation escalates. By taking the high road and avoiding the fight, I do my part to ensure that both I and the bad guy(s) continue to draw breath, and experience the world outside of a prison cell.

Whether or not the video is staged, here's my take on why it's an extremely poor example of responsible gun ownership:

1. When confronted by the men in the truck, the driver of the BMW pulls off to an unpopulated area, and gets into a verbal arguement. That's escalating. The safe and responsible thing to do would have been to get on the phone and call the cops. Let them know what's happening, and where you are. Then sit tight, and lock the doors. That way, if the truck's occupants get out and try to attack, you've got a barrier between you and them. If that doesn't work, drive away.

2. The driver left immediately, in a rather big hurry. That's a great way to endanger other drivers on the road.

3. At the stoplight, instead of calling the cops or asking other drivers for help, the driver and his passenger once again engage the two men in the truck in a verbal argument. That's escalation, again.

4. Upon leaving the stoplight, the driver flips the truck the bird. Guess what? Escalating.

5. A few more flips of the bird from the folks in the sportscar. Escalating. Don't see anyone on a cellphone to the cops, do you? I also don't see them stopping anywhere to get help.

6. Well, you get the idea.

So no, that's not why we carry. We don't carry to settle stupid road-rage squabbles with other idiot drivers. We certainly don't carry to have something to point at another human being when we tell them to give us the camera.

Sorry to ruin your fantasy.

Done, by edit to the OP. Also, I'm closing this one at least temporarily pending review of the status of the video by one of the mods here in GGD, since I'm out of my assigned AO.

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