this time they're PINK

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JM Browning

Oct 9, 2011
Sugar Land
Using sonic cleaner for cleaning brass. One time they came out looking like they were case hardened, you know like the frame of a Colt SAA. This time they are pink and it appears the actual brass is flaking off. Did a web search for pink cases and most of them said it was lemon polish or fix it with lemon polish. I feel like the integrity is not there any longer. These were used PMC brass. Maybe just cheap Korean . But they are the color of a pig. Would you reload these?
What solution are you using?? Regular vinegar will give brass a pink tint if left to long. It doesn't effect the brass.

If you have a regular tumbler with walnut or corn, run the brass through that with some polish or Nu Finish.
I'm not qualified to answer your question. I don't know how these different chemicals affect the metal composition. But it SEEMS to me that you used the wrong cleaning chemical or left it in there too long, which may have harmed the integrity of your brass.

Personally, I've never had a problem with the traditional vibratory tumblers and corn cob or walnut media. I just stick with what I know, and tend to try to keep it simple since I'm a simple-minded kind of guy. I'm sure there's a metallurgist/chemist on here that can tell you more about your actual problem.

Looks like we were posting at the same time. So you're using a Hornady product made for this--Only guess I have is maybe left it there too long????
The "pink" is the leeching of zinc out of the brass. Not good. However, it is normally associated with the use of vinegar solutions when cleaning, so I don't know why you are seeing it. If you "feel like the integrity is not there any longer", then definitely don't use them.

The Hornady One Shot MSDS shows it to be less than 15% citric Acid so it's not much different then Lem Shine or other forms of citric acid.

I do not have the instructions but the one thing I saw on the Hornady site was 40:1 not 20:1 but with out the labels from the cleaner I can not say for sure.
I've always noticed that PMC brass has a pinkish color when compared to something like win or RP brass. I like PMC, it has held up and loaded just fine for me, so it's probably just a characteristic of their brass I guess?

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