"To Keep It, Give It Away"

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Staff member
Jul 17, 2003
north central indiana
In the finest traditions of our own SM here at THR, I followed some of his advice and wisdom that he promotes. So here is a bit of background.

Several years back when my Uncle passed away, my Dad bought his small gun collection from his sister-in-law and left it in my possession. My Aunt and Uncle had a falling out with their son many years ago and basically never spoke to each other. So this being my cousin, who has had 2 boys and 2 girls, none of whom ever shot. The oldest daughter is married to a young guy who is a hunter and a little bit of a shooter, he is teaching his 9 year old daughter and 6 year old son to shoot. I consider them 'good people'.

Now my Father passed away just over a year ago and he knew what I wanted to do with a couple of my Uncle's guns. I called up this young fellow, we know each other and talk occasionally, and ask him to come over because I have something for him. He shows up and I hand him two boxes, one contains a Winchester 1300 20 gauge pump gun with the WinChoke barrel, the other has a Marlin Glenfield 60 .22 rifle. Both guns are almost new in the boxes, they have been shot, but probably no more than a few rounds each. He is like "WOW, I can't afford these right now." I tell him these are for his kids from their Great Grandpa, who I know would of been pleased to see them kept in the family. He had never met his wife's grandpa, and I told him a bit about him to relate to his kids when he tells them about the guns. I then tell him, "The only thing is, you can never sell the guns, they stay in the family."

He wanted to pay me something for them, and I told him to put what he was going to give me into ammunition for the guns and let the kids learn to shoot them.

We are about 18 years apart in age, but my kids and his are the same age group. My three daughters are learning to shoot their own guns. Maybe we can all get together in the future and have a range day.

"To keep it, give it away." SM
Great story. I inherited about 5 guns from my Grandmother when she passed away. They had all belonged to my grandfather who died when I was 2. She had told me when I was old enough or she died, I get them as the only grandson. Even though only one is fireable, and the others may not be recoverable, I'm keeping them all. They are at least mountable, and they'll stay in the family.
Very nice Kudu, you really did a great thing. Especially the part about not selling the guns, kids need a connection to a family member they never knew. I have my fathers S&W model 60, which I had bought for him as a gift when he "misplaced" his much beloved detective special. When my son is old enough I think I will pass it on to him for a memory of his Grandfather.

God Bless you for your kindness.
My grandpa did the same thing. He is 80 and in good health but doesn't shoot anymore. A couple of weeks ago he gave me and my brother a Savage 12ga and a Remington .22. The Savage is about 40 years old and the Remmy about is 61 years old (and still dead nuts accurate!!).

My Grandpa said, "I know you'll take care of it."

One day I hope to pass it on to my kids.

I always listen up to SM, he may be the smartest thing going on this board.
Good job man!

I'm a 48 year old doomed to be forever single.

But Jessie (Cousins boy), Brooklyn (Cousins boyfriends daughter) and Stephanie (Cousins old husbands daughter from an older marriage) WILL learn to shoot and each will get at least one .22 when I pass on.
I would normally never even think about giving a gun away, we're not rich, just keeping up with the bills with a bit put aside for the future, better than most folks, no outstanding credit card bills. The only reason it ever crossed my mind to do this was reading SM's bits of wisdom, though he would never admit it. I am proud to be able to call him a friend even though we have never met face to face.

I have enough guns put away for my girls and their future families if and when that comes about to be able to do this, and you really want to know, it feels good to do something like this, it gives the warm fuzzies. I believe I made an investment, not only in the family, but in the future of shooting sports. So far there is no one else on that part of the family that I would do this for, they are all pretty good people, just not concerning guns and shooting. I try to feel them out once in a while about shooting some guns, but no interest there. Perhaps someday they may see the great grandson enjoying great grandpa's guns and come around.

It is that thanks you my friend.
You live responsible firearm ownership, and always have.

Even before we ever met, you were living responsible firearm ownership.
How raised - what you do.

You were raised right, and have been practicing "To Keep it - Give it away" by the way you carry yourself, live your life , and raise a family.

You have had a difficult time, for some years now, and had to carry the brunt of heavy loads, and still do with your head up, erect and a grin on your face.

Granted a tired grin at times, with three girls, of which two are twins, and being the only male in the household.

Your deeds, do not surprise me at all.
It is I that is honored and humbled to call you my friend.

Give the gals a hug for me.

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