Traveling to upstate new york

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May 31, 2009
Im traveling to upstate ny and would like to bring my shotgun. I know ny is strict..but im assuming upstate ny shouldnt be an issue. Any guidance?
Shotguns are OK provided they aren't "assault weapons."

Pump shotguns are exempt and are A-OK in the empire state (minus NYC)
Bring it. Break it down and lock it in your trunk unloaded. If it has a magazine (such as the Marlin goose gun) be sure that the mags are not loaded, even when stored separately.
No restrictions on shotguns save for a few "assault weapons" like the Saiga that are not illegal per se, but have some compliance restrictions.

You really only need to make sure that it's unloaded and out of reach. Put it in the trunk and you'll be fine.
As long as you aren't going through Canada. (not being facetious, my Dad's family lives in Michigan, and the quickest way to get to NY is throuh Canada). NY STATE is not nearly as restrictive as NYC. As long as it's a 'sporting' longarm, unloaded, locked, & inaccessable from the interior of the vehicle, you should be fine.
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