Tricky gun gift issue

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Jan 1, 2016
CC friendly state
A guy I know bought 2 new pistols (legally) one day.

He gifted them to 2 people that evening as christmas gifts. Those people are 'clean' so to speak and over 21. No D/Q's

The very next day the gifter dies (natural causes). He had the original receipt with serial numbers, prices, etc on it and in his possession but did not give anything to the people he gave the guns to. He had no known will.

Now here is the tricky part.

1) No proof that the guns were a gift other than the people involved being told so.
2) The family (and possibly probate) will eventually discover he bought the guns but they cannot locate them.

With that being said, those 'ghost guns' are in limbo.

Can that family or probate or maybe insurance if he had any claim they were stolen when they have no idea what happened to the guns other than they were bought one day?

If asked, should a 3rd party (me) just tell them that the guns were gifts but not say whom they went to? I do not want to get involved between the family and the others. And I certainly will NOT go to court on anyone's behalf. And I do not want to volunteer that I know anything at all (keeping mouth shut if at all possible). I do not want to be a suspect and home searched either (I do not have them) - most people who have witnessed family members after the death of someone knows how bad the greed and head hunting can be.

If so what should the giftee's do? The family does not know who has them. Only 1 person does (me) and sworn to secrecy by the gifter prior to his death.

Purpose of this is to determine if the giftee's can legally keep the guns or what they are supposed to do to avoid a receiving stolen property charge (and probable conviction) if ever they were checked.

The giftee's do not want anyone to know they have them especially the family and gifter's friends (jealousy issues amongst other problems). They DO want to legally keep them and be able to enjoy them. These are brand new never used handguns BTW.

This is in Kansas.

Obviously no one wants legal entanglements or worse - a felony conviction and jail time.:eek:

Each gun costs under $500 at time of purchase.

Note: the family is not aware of the gun purchase just yet but will soon if/when they see the receipt. This buys a few days to figure out what to do and them preferably keep their new gifts.

Additionally, everyone I asked this seems to indicate not to worry. The family didn't buy them or give them away and are not supposed to be able report them stolen since the gift was made the day before his death.

Your thoughts and most importantly your LEGAL ADVICE.
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