Trouble W/ Lee Auto-Disc Powder Measure

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Feb 14, 2008
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
I've got a new Lee Load-Master press with an auto-disc powder measure. I keep getting very inconsistent powder charges. I've noticed that if I jiggle the hopper a little before the next round dumps, it is much more consistent. I don't think that should be necessary. I am using unique powder with lee dies. I'm loading .45 auto. Is there something I'm doing wrong? All of the other components seem to be working fine.
Use graphite

Unique isn't the best powder for many powder measures, but the ProAutoDisk measures it fairly well.

A brand new powder measure needs to be 'broken in' with a few hundred throws, or you can hurry the process by coating all interior surfaces LIBERALLY with powdered graphite. Also coat the interior of the powder-through charging die.

Graphite is already on the granules of powder, that's what makes smokeless gunpowder black. It helps the granules flow, and reduces static. Your brand new plastic parts are slowing down the flow, and tapping helps overcome the flow problem. Eventually a few hundred or a thousand throws of powder leaves enough graphite behind and the unit works great. You should help that process (and get satisfactory results) by graphiting it early.
Thanks for your help. I've been using an RCBS powder measure and I noticed the more I used it the more consistent it has gotten. I wish I had asked this question about it a long time ago. I had almost decided you just can't get consistent results. With any powder measure.
also try putting a 1/2" USS/Fender washer inside the hopper. For some reason it helps with metering (at least with mine). aj b
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