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UK: Blair defeated on 90-day detention plan

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Dec 12, 2003
I didn't see any other threads on it, so I thought you might be interested to know:

Tony Blair had been pushing for a new law to allow the police to detain suspected terrorists for up to 90 days without charge.

The motion was defeated yesterday, the first time that Blair has lost such a vote.

(A toned-down version, allowing 28 days detention, and with a sunset clause was passed).


not a great shock that it was turned down, and he can probably expect a lot more defeats the longer he hangs on as a lame duck (he said before the last election that he would step aside at the end of this term).

some interesting stuff coming about the Sun newspaper's coverage though:


Their headline today was "Traitors", reporting this very story.
Holding a citizen for 90 days without charges? Why, that's ridiculous, no free country would ever tolerate that. That's exactly the kind of polcie state BS that you'd expect over there in Europe, but that we'd never stand for here in the land of the free.

Oh wait.....

Jose Padilla has been held in US military custody since 9 June 2002. Padilla has not been charged with a crime, and does not have access to a lawyer in his detention.

And all of us just sit here like "good Germans." :barf:
There appears to be something of a storm (even if it is in a Parliamentary teacup) brewing over this. Several MP's are claiming that they were contacted by senior police officers who were 'lobbying' for the bill. I find that deeply disturbing.

The high quality Sun ran a headline that screamed 'Traitors' at those MP's that voted against this. Disturbing also. Then again the editor of the Sun is a personal friend of David Blunkett's.

Add in the contempt for the MP's decision shown by Blair.

At least my Independent MP voted against this. That cheers me up.
And they held that old boy who heckled the Labour Party conferance under the "Prevention Of Terrorism" act... Makes me relieved that at least some MPs have a moral backbone.
"Sorry Grandad, you'll be staying with 'Knuckles' here for ninety days. Or until the papers forget about you - whichever comes first."
re the suns editorial position, the following was posted at http://thelawwestofealingbroadway.blogspot.com A blog by an English magistrate. Does the word 'compromised' sound right? CPS is the Crown Prosecution Service

Thursday, November 03, 2005
Fat Lip in Battersea

Ms. Rebekah Wade, editrix of theThe Sun, has reportedly been arrested in connection with an alleged assault on her husband. She has been released without charge.

The CPS website says:-

As a general rule we will prosecute all cases involving domestic violence where there is sufficient evidence and there are no factors preventing us from doing so. Each case is unique and must be considered on its own merits.

Unfortunately It's likely that this will be snuck in eventually, One of the things I learned when I was in the UK was that if the Government (Local or National) wants something bad they get it one way or another, Laws, Citizens & Common Since be damned.:barf:

Word of Advice, do what I did, Move to the US, the UK as it is is a Lost cause unfortunitly.:(
(A toned-down version, allowing 28 days detention, and with a sunset clause was passed).
A little temporary loss of face - that will fade from the minds of most in no time flat. But Comrade Blair got what he wanted; the ablility for police (or other agencies) to detain and incarcerate without charge.

No doubt when the enthusiasm is required to prevent the sunset, some handy fuel will just happen to come along to get the necessary fire going again - and maybe an amendment allowing the 90 days (or more) as well.

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