Ultradot calibration questions

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Jan 14, 2009
I just mounted my new Ultradot on my new Ruger Mk III.
Started with scope adjustment vs distance.
I adjusted elevation for 8 yd to start and got good results.
I'm switching to a 6 o'clock hold which seems more effective, but will require some getting used to.
The Ultradot also requires a lot of getting used to.
My question is how to keep track of the elevation settings for various distances.
I had it dialed in for ~ 25 ft and went to 50 ft and found the adjstment produced groups 2 in too high.
I guess that the bullet is still rising with greater distances??
Does anyone have a way to keep track of settings on the scope for various distances? The elevation adjustment does not have numbers which would make it easier.
Any other tricks I could employ to get consistent results.
I think that if you try that backwards, you will be fine. If you are zeroed at 50' you shouldn't be 2" low at 25'. I think it has more to do with the height of the sight sitting on the gun than the rising bullet.
Does anyone have a way to keep track of settings on the scope for various distances?
Your problem is twofold.

First, 8 yards is way too close to sight it in.
Try 25 or 50 yards. (50 yards is better)

Second, twiddling & fiddling with the adjustments every time you change range is a recipe for disaster!

If your dot sight were intended for that, it would have well marked target knobs on it.
But it doesn't.

Zero it exactly to POA at 25 or 50 yards, and hide the screw-driver!
Then just shoot it enough at closer ranges to know where to hold.

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