Unintended Consequences Author John Ross Endorses Silveira v. Lockyer Lawsuit.

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Dec 25, 2002
The State of Israel - aka Gun Nut Hell
Unintended Consequences Author John Ross Endorses Silveira v. Lockyer Lawsuit.

July 24, 2003

KeepAndBearArms.com -- In a recent interview in the periodical Gun Week, well-known gun rights author John Ross commented on the lawsuit Silveira v. Lockyer, for which KeepAndBearArms.com is raising funds.

Ross is the author of the controversial but extremely popular novel Unintended Consequences, a work that includes fascinating true details about firearms, shooters, hunting, the Warsaw ghetto uprising, and the history of gun control, all woven into a fictional account of gun control run amok.

An interview by Gun Week senior editor Dave Workman in the July 10, 2003 issue, included the following (italics in the original):

"We need to get a good case to the Supreme Court now," he stressed, "while we still have most of our rights and a loss would result in millions of outraged citizens who remember what they used to have for gun rights. What we do not want is to have more years of gradual erosions to the point where everyone is complacent and a loss would be accepted.

"I believe Silveira vs. Lockyer is the right vehicle," he added, "where the case is focused on the correct issue, the opposition is on record with very poor rhetoric while our side has razor sharp reasoning."

Ross is more than a top-selling writer -- he puts his money and his time (a lot of it) where his words are. For example, he has been deeply involved in a long-time campaign to bring concealed carry reform to his home state of Missouri:

"I personally hired the lobbyist in 1992 that found a sympathetic legislator and first got concealed carry introduced in the Missouri legislature," Ross recalled. "I helped wrote the language for many of the right-to-carry bills that were introduced between 1992 and 1996."

Editorial Comment by Angel Shamaya, KeepAndBearArms.com Founder and Director:

Mr. Ross sees rightly. NOW is the time to produce a Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment. And the Silveira case is one of two current, pressing cases to support. (The other one is the CATO-supported challenge to the D.C. gun ban. The Nordyke case could also turn in our favor.) That's why we've raised and invested nearly $50,000 helping preparations for the lawsuit. It's already been appealed to the Supreme Court. Preparation of the petition was a monumental effort in new thinking and approach.

The funding has also been applied to researching and writing three articles, currently under submission to noted law review journals, that bear directly on the case and which support both the certiorari petition and the final brief in this case.

And additional funding support is required. Today. Now.

We have the funds to help with printing costs for some of the amicus briefs being filed in support of the Silveira lawsuit. And that's about it. Meanwhile, there's a great deal of preparation left to do on the Silveira plaintiffs' brief. And when the Justices agree to hear the case, there's preparation for oral arguments and lots more. And when we win in the Supreme Court, there's still a great deal of work to do when the case is remanded back down to the lower courts to decide particulars -- with the new reality: that the Second Amendment is an individual right that does prevent infringements by the many States.

We intend to have this case heard, and we fervently believe -- based on how it's being prepared, strategized and executed -- that we will succeed when it is heard.

There are two main ways to give your gift of support to the original legal research, writing and strategizing being done to make history with this case.

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For more information on the Silveira v. Lockyer case, its development, its success thus far, and details on what your financial support will help fund, go here:


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