Updated Stupid Unemployed Project #644... Homemade Naginata

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Feb 8, 2003
Homemade Naginata

I did a bunch of work on it today, it is almost ready to kill melons! :D

I did the first bits of attaching the blade to the haft, and actually swung it around a bit, this thing is huge, just four inches short of 8 feet. The heft is not too bad, center of balance is a foot or so after the tang ends.

What should I do with the haft? Aside from cleaning it up, I was thinking staining/painting it black. Sort of a faux laquer look.

Also, I still need a cap. The mismanaged home depot did not have any pole/post caps that I could find. The closest thing I saw was a copper pipe end, but I need to whittle down the end of the haft to get it to fit nice and proper.

Lastly, I need to find/fabricate a tsuba or whatever its called, the hand guard. I was looking at a piece of metal at the depot that is for hanging a coat rack from, but it wouldnt fit this particular pole.

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