Using their tools against them

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Jan 29, 2003
Next time you're writing an essay/letter to the editor don't forget to quote VPC:
Most gun violence is not criminal in its inception. Suicides, for example, are the majority of gun deaths every year. Even most homicides occur between people who know each other, such as spontaneous killings by previously "law-abiding" angry spouses.

Suicide rates are entirely unaffected by firearms ownership: Japan, Seattle.
Spousal homicide is equally unaffected by firearms ownership, as the aggressor has the jump on the victim, and further, the victim's trust.

Even pro-gun experts agree that handguns make violent encounters more likely to result in death or injury. Here, for example, is what pro-gun author Chris Bird wrote in a manual intended for people who wish to carry a concealed handgun:

Members of the gun-control movement believe that there are far too many guns of all kinds in American society and that these guns are responsible for much of the violence. This is probably true. Guns facilitate violence. A killer can do in a fraction of a second by exerting a few pounds of pressure on a trigger what it might take him ten minutes and a lot of exertion to do with a baseball bat.6

I did not know that Chris Bird was a "pro-gun advocate." He writes books about concealed carry. Does anybody know who he is?

I could not find the reference for the "6". By design?

I am shocked at the extent that the VPC will misrepresent information. Shocked, I tell you.
A killer can do in a fraction of a second by exerting a few pounds of pressure on a trigger what it might take him ten minutes and a lot of exertion to do with a baseball bat.

Whoever wrote the above has never had the experience of watching someone beat to death with a baseball bat. If the person wielding the bat knows what he or she is doing it is likely to kill faster than a firearm wielded by a poor shooter.
A baseball bat is a lethal weapon when used against a human being. It is IMHO a matter of perception since baseball bats are very common in the US while guns are "evil" and most frequently kept secured and or hidden.

A killer can do in a fraction of a second by exerting a few pounds of pressure on a trigger what it might take him ten minutes and a lot of exertion to do with a baseball bat.

Anyone who needs ten minutes to kill with a baseball bat is either incompetent or enjoying it. One good blow will put one's opponent out of action. The rest can be done without even breaking out in a sweat.

Even most homicides occur between people who know each other,

How about gang killings? The shooter typically knows his victim, doesn't he? IMO, if a one gang member kills another, it is no great loss, as no humans were involved. Unfortunately, too many innocents get caught in their crossfire.
gang killings are one way

the VPC cooks their statistics. Since the victims are identified as knowing each other, that is spun into the fearmongering for the sheeples.

A few years ago, Marion Wright Edelman's group (Children's Defense Fund) tried to use numbers that included "children" up to the age of 24--they were 'segue-ing' off the outrage these mothers felt at the loss of their 'child.' Fortunately, this was called out early on, and they had to drop that shell game.

Anyone have the numbers, or how to derive them, to break out firearms deaths among people under 18 (or 21) according to a) gang-related / knowing each other, b) criminal activity and c) drug-related? Are the FBI stats the ones to use?

Here's an arena for you, Oleg--a whole new set of images and comments on this theme--done right, it would be powerful. The Header is in-their-face:

"N-thousand children killed n-thousand last year:

n-hundred were gangsters killing another gangster.
n-hundred were ripping off drugs
n-hundred were robbing....

this is unrefined-- but think about it.
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