Washington state RED ALERT

Old Dog

Aug 11, 2004
on Puget Sound
SHB 1240 (AWB) Senate hearing is scheduled for 3/23.

From "Sporting Systems" of Vancouver, WA, one of our dedicated state RKBA activists:

This, is our Alamo! This is the BIG stand. Stand up and be heard loudly! Don't give up, don't give in!

SHB 1240 – Semi Automatic Gun Ban hearing is scheduled!

Senate Democrats are defying the SCOTUS Bruen decision, like the failing laws in NJ, NY, Il, CA, MD.

Wasting your state resources, time and money, to pass an unconstitutional ban on semi automatic rifles, pistols, shotguns and parts!!! They KNOW they won't win in courts, but don't care.

Dear Senators, Stop the virtue signaling and get to work reducing criminal activity.

Log into the hearing today, DO NOT WAIT!!!! Sign in "CON" or leave written testimony. Send to everyone! Like and share, TAG your friends, your gun shops, your ranges.

CRITICAL UPDATE: Log into the State Senate hearing. the mail emails from NRA, GOA and others DO NOT record in the hearing...are they helpful, sure...for sending you donation requests. Log into the hearings with the links provided below.

Link to the hearing log in page, opposed = "con" https://tinyurl.com/2d7w7xmn

Link to the hearing log in "leave written testimony" https://tinyurl.com/yck3ejak

(Be polite please, represent firearm owners professionally with respect, but a firm NO)
2023 EAOD 7 Senate SHB1240 semi auto ban.jpg

Sporting Systems · Mar 15, 2023 at 5:36 PM

" style="box-sizing: border-box; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-line: none; font-family: Roboto, "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 15px; cursor: pointer; color: rgb(224, 48, 48) !important;"> 1102773-25cdbd37679cd27e227507d017713edb.jpg
Sent out to 138 people in my phone that reside here. 126 replied (so far) and have posted a "con". I asked them to reach out to their friends as well. I don't have those numbers. They could easily number into the thousands. How many people are in your phone book?

Here's the really scary fact. Not one of them even knew anything about it.

We, as supporters and defenders of the Constitution, have to take the lead in getting this kind of information out there. These laws get passed because they are kept quiet and passed because people don't know the truth about them. The media and the politicians that propose these laws aren't going to expose them for what they truly are. It's up to us to sound the call to action against these things.

You want to stop these laws from passing? You want these anti-gun laws overturned and stripped from the books? You want to stop YOUR tax money being wasted?

Then speak out! Make your voice heard. Let people know what been done to them and what our "leaders" are trying to do. This site alone has well over 100,000 members. Reach out to everyone you know. Our collective voices could number into the millions. I took a simple act and turned my "whisper in the void" into well over 100 loud and clear voices saying "NO" maybe many hundreds more, all attatched to a ballot in the next election.

Those numbers CANNOT be ignored.
I’ll do my part and write a testimony and such… but It’s not going to do any good
Even if (when) the bill is passed, it'll be on the legislative record of how many "cons" were registered and so will the written testimony.

The last bad law that was passed, something like 15,000 people registered a "con" position and provided written comments to the legislative, while only (IIRC) a little over 1000 went the other way.

This can -- should -- and will -- be held up as a demonstration of how our elected officials in the statehouse do NOT represent the voice of the people in Washington state. There will be a reckoning. (hopefully, peaceful and occurring in November '24, which at this point seems a long time to wait).
And BE POLITE! It actually hurts our cause to give angry or threatening rants. Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it strong, but not crazed.

I am opposed to SHB 1240 (AWB) and expect my elected representatives to oppose it as well.
Your vote against such radical legislation penalizing law-abiding voters is expected and will be remembered in the next elections.

Thank you,
Link to HB 1143
Washington State Legislature

Link to HB 1240
Washington State Legislature

(The public hearing and testimony for both these bills will be on the same day and at the same hearing on March 23rd, at 8am at the Link i posted for the live real time hearing.)

The following was my response.

"I,do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Although not specifically required by any statute or constitutional provision, you have advised us that it has long been the practice of all legislators, upon assuming office, to take the same oath of office as is prescribed by RCW 43.01.020 for officers of the executive branch of state government. This oath reads, in pertinent part, as follows:

". . . I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (name of office) to the best of my ability." (Emphasis supplied.)

I am still bound by my oath long after the end of my active service. To the best of my knowledge, it has not been and will never be rescinded.

As a sitting member of our legislature you are bound by your oath. You can do no less than interpret the recent SCOTUS decision as the court intended.

The Supreme Court recently declared a new standard for Second Amendment jurisprudence, "text, history, and tradition." Established by the 2022 landmark decision, NYSRPA v. Bruen, the text, history, and tradition test now governs laws restricting the right to keep and bear arms – invalidating any gun laws that fail to meet its standard. Anything less is unconstitutional and a violation of your oath as a sitting member of the Washington State legislature.

I strongly urge you to turn your attentions to the root cause of violence, the individual, rather than the legal, lawful, gun owners of Washington State.

So, yeah. Done and done ...
In case you think that a comment from outside our state would have no impact, look no further than the witnesses supporting the ban that the state paraded in front of committees and the house. Not one was from this state

Thank You for giving this a read.
Thanks, @kopcicle.

A little depressing watching this over again, I noted a couple opportunities for rebuttal that our side missed -- blatant misuse of statistics on the "death rate" in the U.S. -- the person testifying stated U.S. is #1 (we're not even top ten!), blanket statement that ARs are the weapon of choice for "mass shooters" when in fact most are committed with handguns -- I know a couple of our guys were nervous and mostly reading from prepared remarks, but some of this stuff should have been countered. Lesson learned, make notes, treat it like a debate instead of just reading your script, be ready to call the other side on their misinformation and lies.
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