What a great day..Kid's Event

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Nov 3, 2003
(This event was posted in Rally Point last week)

Oh, my gosh, it was incredible..it was the most fun I've ever had doing a gun event, in as long as I've been doing them.

We had torrential rains right in the middle of it, which precluded the scheduled K9 demo, there was a misunderstanding about the use of steel targets so the Cowboy Action folks were limited and since this is the first time any of us had done this, we didn't quite have the scheduling down.

On the other hand!! 37 kids attended, despite it being a mostly outdoor event on one of the rainiest days of spring. We had expected a crowd aged 10-15, and got mostly ages 5-9. It worked out ok because we used a 1-to-1 instructor ratio. I don't know who had bigger smiles, the kids or the instructors!

They first shot .22 rifles..shooting balloons and Shoot 'N' See targets. From there, they went to the indoor handgun range where they shot a variety of .22 pistols and revolvers. Then they went to the trap range where we had a set up of 20 ga. youth models..in the case of the trap, one child at a time went up, right up to the "house" (not sure what the proper term is for the little hill thing where the clays shoot out of of.) anyway..they went right up there with the instructor and their parent, one at a time, and shot a series of five clays..they did a great job, too.

Then, just as we were ready go start the Demos and Safety training sessions, it started pouring, so we all went in the clubhouse, had hotdogs and chips and soda and the kids sat through a safety program on guns. By the time that finished, about an hour later, the rain had cleared to the occasional sprinkle, they watched the Cowboy Action Demo and started back in shooting and were still at it when I had to leave at 4:00 pm.

What was really cool is that once the kids got there, I don't think any of them left until the end of the day..even when the weather got back, they still seemed to be having a good time. And there was not *one* *single* behavioral problem..37 kids under 13 and they were so well behaved, I couldn't believe it. And they were so happy. There was one little boy, who must have only been about 6, who came literally hopping up the drive down to the 100 yard range just crowing "I did it, I did it, I broke the balloons!"

I'm giddy, can you tell?
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Thats great, sounds like alot of fun =) I wish I could find something like that going on around here for mine, sounds like yall had a good time, even when the weather got bad, a good time for a snack indeed =) any pics to post of the event? or even video?
Hm..no video..there will be plenty of pics but not till tomorrow because our primary photographer had to chaperone prom tonight. I'll be sure to post them. :)
Barbara - glad you did post that here - what a great event - and so many youngsters.

I'll bet that has, just in itself - set off a good many of them on the right track. Encouraging too that - I assume - this represented almost as many parents, open minded enough to let em go and have fun (with guns!!!).

I share your giddy pleasure! :)

Thanks for sharing! I admit - I have more fun than the kids, I didn't grow up - just got bigger is all.

We used to let the littlest ones stand at low 7 with single shot shotgun, instructor, and shoot low 7 . Now one of us would be behind the low house and shoot on report. [ All safe and all] Had this one one single mom, with two kids " you think I am going to listen to my son brag about how he shot more targets than baby sister all the way home and from now on..." [ she was grinning the whole time] Do you know how much pressure it is to NOT miss that target with a single shot .410 from behind the low house? Whew!

Little girl just a dancing and high-fiving, " see I told ya I could shoot as good as you" < tongue stuck out, looking at brother>

My fun deal was to throw Moon Pies from a trap ( set really slow) ya hit it - you win a box of Moon Pies...My "station" was real busy and I was real popular ..." you got anymore 'nanner ones?"

Every kid won a prize, every kid went home with eyes, ears, and safety stuff...

Two sites come to mind:
1) the day the little girl wanted to shoot her stuffed Barney " I'm a big girl now" and the mom and other moms cheering. Then the mom shot the cassette tape of Barney songs - the moms cheered even louder. :D

2) the 90 yr old man with great great grandson shooting the shotgun he had as a kid, then passed on to great great grandson...the kid was smiling , the adults were wiping eyes...
Yea..that Fisher guy is alright. :)

He did a great job, raising all the funds for the whole thing by putting on an advanced handgun class for us last month, as well as a bunch of other helpful stuff. A whole lot of people worked their butts off on this thing and it worked out well.

We had great grab bags for the kids..Ruger donated some nice ear plug sets and stickers, Browning gave us hats and stickers, Gander Mountain supplied all the bags as well as a box of hats, stickers and Gander Bucks. As well, the first 20 kids got $5.00 gift certificates and the rest got hats. We had pencils and slinkies and balloons and all kinds of assorted goodies in the bags, and they all enjoyed them. We also had rifle rests donated by Hornady and some targets donated by Crossman.

The moon pie idea is great..we'll have to try that next year! I'd really like to see this be an annual event.
My 13 year-old son and I read the announcement with interest, but it was an awful long way from the U.P. eh?

Sounds like it was a great day.
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