What do I want after a 44 magnum?

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..."I do not have to lick a turd to know that I do not want to eat it".
Let's see: if I were a Craig-type, I'd now fly into a rage about how "ignorant" and "uninitiated" you are since you've apparently not fired X-frames (at all?); about how you are claiming yourself superior in knowldege to the engineers who designed the X-fame guns, and to Peter Pi, who designed the .500 S&W round; etc. etc. :barf:

But I'm not like that. So, instead I'll say: maybe try one sometime. Any of us will be happy to let you. You might be surprised--who knows?
the gift of deductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning, Craig, produced the Dark Ages. Experimentalism was what brought us out of them--the idea that we should take those "deduced" ideas that you come up with by reading and scribbling, and try them out on a range sometime.

So, maybe "experiment" with a .460 sometime. If nothing else, it would at least give your bloviating criticism of all things X-frame more credibility, don't you think?
To come to this conclusion I use my powers of observation
Craig, another thing you don't get--perfect Craig-line, by the way--is that it doesn't matter that that is your conclusion about .460 shooters, or that you came to that by "observation" (not how conclusions are arrived at, by the way).

What matters is that you decide to be impolite and disrespectful enough to tell us that we're stupid. Even if that is your conclusion, a nice guy would keep that conclusion to himself--you know, act high road. Maybe even use kind and gentle words, given his compassion for such stupid shooters.

Oops. Compassion. From you. I guess you can list another mistake in that "Loosedhorse" thread. Oh well.
CraigC, disagree with your assessments of the X frames? They're big revolvers that fill the same nich as the Howdaw pistols did in their day. That's exactly why I opted for the JRC it is packable! Maybe you should stick to your smaller caliber handguns if you choose instead of writing such nonsence about modern handguns?
Craig, I suggest posting in a thread that discusses more practical cartridges, and leave the big bore threads to us irrational senseless people.
Even if that is your conclusion, a nice guy would keep that conclusion to himself...
I'm here to talk about guns, you're the one that made it personal because you can't handle a little correction now and then. I really couldn't care less what anybody shoots, it is up to the individual to decide. I have my opinion of the big S&W's and feel the urge to express it, as you do the same. I don't expect everyone to agree and I don't expect X-frame shooters to do anything but defend their honor.

They're big revolvers that fill the same nich as the Howdaw pistols did in their day.
Not really. Like I've asked before, please explain what the pressure and velocity of the .460 gains you???

Maybe you should stick to your smaller caliber handguns if you choose instead of writing such nonsence about modern handguns?......I suggest posting in a thread that discusses more practical cartridges, and leave the big bore threads to us irrational senseless people.

Oh please, get over yourselves. This is exactly what I'm talking about. People that think big bores were invented the day they introduced the X-frame. I reckon I'm a sissy because I prefer the .480Ruger, .475Linebaugh, .500JRH, .50Spl, .500Linebaugh and .500WE in a lightweight package. Get a clue, because you clearly have none.
Actually you don't have a clue cause you never even shot one of these... Lol oh wait you deduced what it would be like or something :D

I'd love to hear your expert opinion on other topics like NHRA top fuel, jet fighters, or extreme unicycling.
Unless I miss my guess CraigC is a liberal anti gunner wanting to trol this thread?
There it is, you got me. I've been masquarading on this board for 6yrs and made over 5000 posts but I'm really a liberal anti-gunner troll. Busted. :rolleyes:

I'm not sure this thread is going in a helpful direction. My original post was for direction on stepping up from the 44 Magnum. I also said it was for range and plinking only. Just for the hell of it.

Kinda like the amp in Spinal Tap "but these go to eleven"

Sometimes the only thing practical about lifting weights is that you can pick up something heavier than most people and it's no sweat. So shooting some big, heavy, sorta impractical gun makes shooting a 1911 with hardball feel like a 22.
you're the one that made it personal
No. As I said (and can link to) you're the one who admitted this was personal, referencing in this thread a previous thread as the reason for your personal hostility toward me, and referenced a still earlier thread in that previous thread. Toto has pulled back the curtain, Craig. You can pretend, but I can't see anyone buying it at this point.

In contrast, I've tried to extend a hand--but not to the point of accepting your attempted deceptions. In any case, believe it or not, the hand is still extended.
get over yourselves
After you, friend. Teach by example.
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«That's fine if you want to make noise at the range and impress your friends. For practical purposes, they leave a lot to be desired.»

Honestly now, there are products in every category that are impractical and excessive. Why buy a Rolex when it costs upwards of 6k, requires expensive service, and doesn't keep time as well as a throw away quartz watch? I dunno but I enjoy mine.

400+ horsepower cars?
5k binoculars?
stereo speakers 12k?

Back to the 500. Yes I probably DID buy it to make noise at the range and impress my friends, both of them. I never deluded myself into thinking it was practical. I don't hunt, so I guess I have only a few guns in my collection that are practical for carry; the others are more or less useless.

I'll be honest. I can afford the gun and I wanted to have (and reload) (one of) the most powerful handguns made.

However, I am an experienced shooter and reloader. I have had firearms since 1972 so this isn't my first gun. I bought it because I can afford it and, well, I just wanted it.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I just wanted to add that sometimes people do things that are far from practical in their pursuit of happiness. I know I do.
For what it's worth, I've been doing the Prohands exercisers to build up my gripping strength. I notice a difference in my ability to tolerate recoil. Although too many magnum rounds splits the skin open between my thumb and pointer. I need shooting gloves for the 44.

All this discussion is really making me think about getting the 500. Even if it is a dollar a round reloaded, it sounds like 10-20 shots per range session would be more than enough to scratch that itch.

It also looks like there are some more reasonable loads for 330gr lead RNFP bullets, which would bring the reloaded cost into the ~$350 per 1000 range, which is cheaper than factory 45acp hardball. I like the idea of shooting guns which would otherwise be ridiculously unaffordable. Even the 44 Special cowboy loads are $600 a case or more!

It is fun being part of the reloader/big bore revolver club!

GREAT that you reload.

First thing I would do is load the heaviest bullets you can in your .44, at least 300 grains, 325's are better, and push them around 1350 fps.

Shoot those at the range and decide what you want to do.

If you like shooting stuff that is absurdly expensive I have a few suggestions.

.500 JRH. Fits in the .500 S&@ but better out of a real sized gun, like a BFR.

.475 Linebaugh. LOTS of bullet choices. Perhaps the best researched most used of the big calibers.

.500 Linebaugh BIG case, lower pressure. Like that.

Your .44 loads are below the recoil level that made me realize my grips had to be custom made for me to be able to accurately shoot my heavy loads.

The .500's are fun, and you can always load down. Problem is with these big cases loading down can lead to inconsistent ignition and accuracy.

I'd shop around and see what pops up at a good price.
Shrinkmd said:
For what it's worth, I've been doing the Prohands exercisers to build up my gripping strength. I notice a difference in my ability to tolerate recoil. Although too many magnum rounds splits the skin open between my thumb and pointer. I need shooting gloves for the 44.

I missed this post the first time through due to the bar room brawl... :D

Grip shape on any of the big boomers makes ALL the difference. There simply is no way that a .44 should cause blisters or split your skin open. A little redness and some slight hand discomfort might be expected since it is pretty much like the gun is being hit repeatedly with a heavy hammer. But the grips should not produce local injuries such as bruising or skin splitting.

I ran into the same issue with my Super Blackhawk. The grips fit me poorly and it was letting the gun power back within my grip to where the trigger guard was smashing into the back of my middle finger. I made up some fatter grips but still in the same style. They let me get a more supportive hand wrap and the problem went away.

Just the other day as it happens I pickedup a used Redhawk in .44Mag. Pictures and gloat thread to come as soon as I charge my camera :D But it came with Pachmayer grips which I know do not fit my hand well at all. But of course we can't resist a new toy so I brought along some ammo and stopped at my favourite indoor range on the way home. Sure enough the poor fit of the Pachmayers to MY hand resulted in some near blisters after only 18 to 20 rounds sent downrange. Yet due to the weight of the gun the actual felt recoil was very manageable. Just the grips don't fit me worth a hoot. The ones which fit me are the Hogue style. Either in the rubber monogrip or most, but not all, of their wood styles.

So by all means work out. Better health and muscle tone is never a bad thing. But at the same time see if you can try holding some different grips that allow the gun to fit more evenly within your grip. Try to feel for both pressure points as well as places with less pressure. The points of lower pressure are just as bad as the points of pressure concentration because the lower pressure lets the gun float too much in your grip and let's it hit the points of higher contact more strongly. You want a grip with as even a pressure from your hand all around. The sides included.
Loads of 10g Trail Boss with a 330g lead pill are very tolerable in the 4" 500. I prefer to limit the hot stuff to the 8.375" bbl.

There's a .475 Linebaugh used FA at my LGS..........
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