What is the ARGUMENT for why one in chamber is dangerous?

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I disagree with a good amount of what Duke of Doubt said in this thread, but some posts are becoming a little disrespectful. If he really has spoken with a lot of criminals candidly, he has more insight into their habits than most of us. I see no reason to doubt that assertion on his part. I realize the thread title says "ARGUMENT" (I said oh boy when I saw it), but we can learn from someone like Duke even if we disagree with a lot of his statements.
To be honest, a lot of my good faith arguments were made only in response to comments and assertions which I thought were too sweeping or which rubbed me the wrong way. But if there's one thing I would say underlies all of my arguments here, it is that you'll hear all day long from "serious gun toters" and other people with varied experience and background, to put it mildly, that "you have only a split second to observe, decide and act." I'm here to tell you, that's wrong. Some here will remember the story I believe I related of a time years ago when I had a .44 revolver in my face at a distance of less than several yards, in a narrow apartment kitchen. All over, right? At most a second to try and draw faster than they can shoot, right? WRONG. I didn't draw at all. I casually flipped open the freezer door in the assailant's face. Stopped the whole encounter in its tracks. Denied the gunner a clear line of sight. Then things got interesting, even amusing. Plenty of time. Another time a guy tried to attack me as I was getting into my car. Instant decision to draw and shoot, right? Better have it in the chamber, right? WRONG. I used both feet to kick the car door into him, swung around into position while he was off balance, dropped the transmission into "D", deflected him with the still-open door, and accelerated away. If he was armed, he didn't show. Plenty of time.

My motto? "Plenty of time." Maybe I should have been an air traffic controller.
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