What would happen to crime if a black man ran the country?

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Oct 19, 2006
There's an interesting blog right now on the NY Times website. It's called Freakonomics, and towards the end of the piece one of the gangbangers the author was interviewing said this:

Tony-T interrupted me: “Let me tell you something about a black man as president. Everyone on the streets better get ready, because the police will get fierce.”

Shine saw that I didn’t understand, so he went on: “See, a black man has to get tough on his own people, show he’s tough. That’s the only way white folk will support him. That’s why, when you got black folk leading the police, you get more [black men] getting their asses kicked.” (Economists? Criminologists? Freaks? Is there a correlation between crime and the ethnic makeup of the commander?)

Flavor laughed, “See, that’s why Marlo is going to go crazy on the streets! Because that white mayor won’t have the balls to do nothing. But a black man as president? Whoo! I’m getting out of the game if that happens. Black on black policing. That’s a b—h.”

I thought High-Roaders would have something to say about this. What do YOU think? This might make an interesting poll. You can read the whole blog here:

I don't think it would have much effect at all. But it would obviously depend on the person who was elected.
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