Where Do You Keep The Serial Numbers Of Your Guns?

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i keep a note book with all info per gun.... but i also have all receipts all the way back to 1972 for my single six....
Printed out on a sheet of paper with a description, labeled and placed in the safe. George P. Has a point but there are so many papers stored in my I safe I don’t think a thrift would take the time to go thru them.They aren’t the target after all.

However Reading this I’m rethinking that.

IMO this IPhone7 plus with all its features is probably as secure as any electronic data machine can be. It’s camera is good enough to capture details like serial numbers and it readily prints wirelessly to my printer It can’t be opened when locked , and it locks after just minutes of idle time. . A photo of the firearm and a close up of its serial number can be stored in an album on the device. The info while important to the owner is basically worthless otherwise. A hard copy is needed so I’ll continue with the printed copy.

Thanks Op. a new project for yours truly.
Yep pics for me...(digital image)
On blued guns I fill the serial # with baby powder :uhoh: and take multiple pics of each of model #, etc.
I put them on a thumb drive but do NOT store that in my safe :notworthy:.

Before pics I would spread them all out and video them with a description and value of each audio.
Hint: never take out all your guns and spread them out in one place...and have your wife help with the pics :what:.
edit: the old adage of a pic is worth a 1000 words really applies here.
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I own less than 10 guns. I have the original boxes for all but three so I have the serial numbers on the boxes.

It never occurred to me to write them down anywhere but I'm thinking I should.
I agree, you really should.

I don't want to put them on a device anywhere because devices fail
I feel the same way. I'm a pencil and paper kind of guy. Electronic devices can be hacked and can be accidentally erased.

I'm thinking about just writing down the serial numbers and leaving them in my wallet.
That would work. You probably can think of a better place though.

Does anybody have any better suggestions?
I keep a detailed list, that I have stashed in multiple places including with a trusted friend. Some of mine were gifts and some were inherited. I have this information on those list. I realize that this info if for someone else after I'm gone.
I had every serial number of each weapon engraved on it before they left the manufacturer. Good enough for me.

Someone suggested a thumb drive but I was taught the old way, two hands on the wheel at 10 and 2 o clock......
I use an app from Burnsoft, has worked for years, and so easy to do backups,, and off site ‘saves’
I make a manila folder for each gun and keep all paperwork and any manuals (I love hard-copy manuals for some strange reason; the older the better) in it in a filing cabinet. So far, I've kept all the boxes with the stickers intact, as well.
I have photos of my valuables (including my guns) and a list which I keep on a disc in my safe deposit box
I have 3 safes worth of them....I keep an Access database with photos, then burned to a dvd and that copy is stored in the safety deposit box.

I thought this was going to be a where are a gun with no sn# do you put your stuff.....wrong topic.
I own less than 10 guns. I have the original boxes for all but three so I have the serial numbers on the boxes.

It never occurred to me to write them down anywhere but I'm thinking I should.

I'm a bit late to the party, sorry about that, haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned. Apologies if this has been mentioned.
The federal government published a free firearms record form for personal use. Their publishing number P3312.8. it's just a small heavy paper folder with blocks for make/model/serial, etc. It's free from the government. Your tax dollars at work.
-I think that these forms are only available as downloadable PDFs now.
They are convenient in that they can be filled out online and then saved and/or printed out.

The government is trying to go paperless... .
Call me paranoid but any form that is offered by the .gov pertaining to guns would be on my list of Don't Go Near & Certainly Do Not Fill Out.
With computer's abilities today, I would not be surprised if anything you type into the form gets magically entered into a database somewhere. They would also have some kind of knowledge of the location of where this form was downloaded (IP address?).
Thanks but no thanks.
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