Which kershaw?

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Oct 4, 2003
South AL
i'm trying to decide between the kershaw cyclone and nrg 2, anybody have either one? if so how do you like it?. also, how are kershaw's serration's are they easy to resharpen. any pic's would be awesome...
The only thing that I know is that I have a Kershaw Speed Bump and I will never be with out one ever again. I love it, you might add it to your short list.
well, it's not a short list, that's just the top two:rolleyes:

how do you like the stud lock on the speed bump? does it seem to be pretty strong? i love the blade shape of the bump's.
I like the stud lock, it is very strong, never had a problem with it. I love every thing about this knife.
The composite junkyard dog 2 looks nice for a bigger knife, the skyline IS nice for a smaller knife. Friend has one, sharpest knife out of box I've seen. Just adding options
I've been carrying a composite Leek for about 3 weeks now, and like it plenty. The tip is kinda acute, making it potentially fragile... The mechanism is top notch, the frame lock reasonably secure. The factory edge was very sharp, but the sharpening angle was too high for my tastes. Probably 22-24 degrees. I spent 1.5 hours moving that back to about 18 degrees, and it's much nicer for my needs now.

I'd have preferred a straight D2 blade, but the compo is kinda neet looking, if a little tacti-cool.

I dislike serrations as a rule, so will refrain from commenting on those...

Yes, I would opt for a plain-edge non-serrated as 7x57 said.

Also, you should keep in mind that you will, in fact, want to regrind most factory knives to a more acute lower angle.

If 7x57 is talking about 9 degrees on each bevel (18 inclusive), he's speaking my language. I like a LOW angle.

Kershaw made a "kit" with hunting blade, carving blade, skinning blade and I think a filleting blade. came in zippered carrying case. I lost mine. has anyone ever seen this type kit? It was the best set of blades ever.
My view is that you actually want a softer steel if it's serrated. A hard steel like S30V is very difficult to sharpen with serrations.
id recomend the kershaw blackout serrated. i have had it for the past few years and it hasnt failed me yet and probally the only knife i havent had to sharpen right out of the box and it yet has needed sharpend.
last night i ordered the cyclone half serrated. found it online for $29.99:D

thanks for the reply's
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