Which movie has the most shooting?

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Feb 12, 2008
I know Hollywood movies are not usually accurate when it comes to firearms and the use of such. But I enjoy a good shootem up movie. I watched an older movie,Gross Point Blank, and thought it had some fun shooting scenes. Whats your favorite?
Depends on what you call shooting.
Maximum I remember reading was.. Starship troopers.

Discounting that.. the way of the gun?

Grosse Point blank doesnt count as a shooting movie... IMHO.. it just is a clever comedy.
The most recent Rambo had a lot. That final battle must have chewed up about 100K blanks.

They did a pretty good job at mimicking what a full-auto 50 BMG would do to an enemy combatant.

There's one out that's called "Shoot Em Up". :barf:

Not much of a story line but they do a lot of shooting in it.

It's actually pretty stupid to the point of being kinda funny.
We've got tons of these threads already in the archives. Also, Hollywood movies have little to no bearing on reality or learning to shoot better, or for that matter, THR's stated mission.

Sorry to be a party pooper. :(
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