Why don't we have a campaign like this?

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Jan 25, 2009
OK, maybe this is in the wrong place. If it is I apologize in advance and please move it.

I was just browsing around on Youtube and found these amazing videos. Go there now! search for "kateysfirearmsfacts" and watch some or all of the vids.
Just a primer, but it is a 13 year old girl doing PSA in favor of gun rights in Canada. Just amazing how simple it is to understand, even for a 13 yo , why don't the lefties get it? But the REAL amazing part is that all the money we give the NRA and other like groups hasn't resulted in a similar campaign here.
Ok chuckusaret, but where are the TV commercials? What exactly IS the NRA doing with the money you give them? Besides the deal making politics that aren't really serving the purpose of it's existence. You know what I mean, "ok, we give. you can ban THESE, as long as we can keep THOSE".
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