Woman sues police for saving her life

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While the officer succeeded in ensuring public safety, it seems he failed to protect the integrity of the gene pool.
WOW! One of many reasons I will never live in NJ and so greatly dread even having to pass anywhere near or over it for that matter. Utterly "dramatizing"!
And of course, if she'd gotten her throat slit, her husband probably would have sued for the same reason
And of course, if she'd gotten her throat slit, her husband probably would have sued for the same reason
Ah, there is the irony, the police are under no legal obligation to actually protect you.
I was involved in something similar only without the lawsuit many years ago...Seems there was a "troubled" young man who was intent on doing himself in that had to be rescued more than once, finally ODing and drowning. In every case first responders did extraordinary things to rescue the young man (risked their lives the last time with a full out water rescue, then long time CPR until they brought him back to life, but he finally expired later).

In my case as a young street cop I had a car full of junkies stopped and that same young man began eating an entire vial of pills on me. Ordered to stop he continued so I had to fully engage in a knock down struggle to stop him, then had to fight him into custody, finally we transported him directly to an emergency room to get his stomach pumped out - saving his life (I was number two or three of this guy's rescuers...).

A week after his death the local newspaper did a full page article on how the "system" had failed the young man. Can't tell you how mad I was when I read it.... and I'm sure many cops have similar stories from every state.
Frivolous lawsuits make me sick ! Lawyers that bring this stupidity to the court system should be disbarred.
My father in law was sued by a motorcyclist's wife because her husband was high on drugs and steroids and t-boned his car doing 80mph killing himself in the process. Long story short he had to pay her $XXXXX to settle because both lawyers had him scared they were going to put a lean on his house that he just finished paying the mortgage on at age 69. now had to remortgage to get the cash. Just shows how one attorney is i kahootz with the other. They probably went golfing together afterwards.
Unfortunately this is the country we live in when you can sue for you own stupidity and illegal activities that get you killed or hurt. It needs to change .

sorry for the hijack
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