Women > Men w/ Guns?

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Pax said:

My observation is that instructors generally enjoy working with women more. Women smell better, they're more pleasant to look at, and they're less likely to argue with you or get into some stupid macho storytelling nonsense when you're just trying to show them how to hold the gun. Because you don't have to clear away quite as many preconceived notions, women do tend to make better students, and most instructors find them easier to work with.

She is 100% correct. I spent nearly 30 years as a LEO Firearms Instructor and women are much easier to work with. They do learn faster because they have a greater ability to listen and pay more attention to detail than men.
Well, in my experience, my fiancee' was a very quick learner. She's very accurate with a .22lr. Then again... most people are. However, for a squeemish, recoil sensitive girl, she shoots VERY well for a beginner. I was a marksman in the military- but I'm sure most of us in this forum were too. (if you were in the military or other sort of career) I would have to agree... women are very adept learners. I think "marksmanship" is about the ability to "will" accuracy... it has nothing to do with strength or stamina.
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