yet another west-central florida classic

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Jun 11, 2011
There is only one outdoor range in this county. It is called Knight's Ridge and it is a well maintained, very safe range. Where the ultra-close supervision is a bit of a pain, I have no issue with it. You can shoot all day for 12 bucks. Now they have closed it down because the new Florida uniform firearms law clashes with the supervision. Please note that this same county had its own, cute, three day waiting period on ALL firearm purchases before the passage of the aforementioned law. They say they might re-open it under new conditions, and in the mean time the next closest outdoor range is 45 minutes away. It is not a this county range. Jeez, I can stop buying guns, buy 10 acres or move.
that's what he means.
The county board overreacted big time.
they're talking to FWC to take the rnge over.
The same people that run Cecil-Webb in Punta Gorda.

I've felt safer in combat zones than being at Webb.

This is supposed to be resolved by mid-November

Yeah, it is Trail. I had a hard day that resulted in the brief malfunction of parts of my brain. Thanks for the correction.
Mid Nov?
Isn't that about the time when all local codes must be in compliance with current FL state law or face a potentionally $100k civil fine per each noncompliance?
Vello, It's maybe to far north for you, the Manatee range has plenty of covered station and range. A few lines go out to 1000
Thanks, lonniemike, I've been there. Lots of things are better in Bradenton.
Yeah, I was planning on sighting in my .243 this weekend until I found out about Knights Trail closing. It was almost a 30 min ride to get there, so I guess 10 or 15 more minutes out to Manatee Gun Club won't be too bad.
I remember the good old days when we used to shoot IHMSA
matches on Eglin AFB in Ft Walton Beach. Just drive up to the
guard shack (with a carload of guns & ammo) and tell the MP
on duty we were going to the range. He would wave us through.
I remember north port charlotte here twenty years ago. Miles of roads cut for development but never used. Empty. Shooting heaven, except for the bugs. Oh well.
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