Money Bomb the NRA

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Sep 18, 2005
North Central Ohio
On 3-24-18, the "March for Our Lives" plans an anti-gun rally in DC. I noticed on some other gun sites that there's an effort (dubbed Money Bomb the NRA) to have every one of the five million NRA members to send at least one dollar to the NRA on that date as a countermeasure.
I'm not a man of means but I plan on scrapping up fifty dollars to send to the NRA on the 24th of March, 2018. I am asking fellow members of the High Road to give some consideration to making a contribution on that date. Thanks.
Yes good idea.

Better yet is getting the NRA to change it's :alien:position of NOT starting rallies etc. Wouldn't that be a sight....such a well organized, funded, flush with members private entity applying for a Washingto DC permit to protest.
Just re-upped for 5 years.
Would have signed up for life, but not financially able at this time.
We do what we can.
Call them
They’ve been doing the discounted Life Membership with a payment option. You should be able to switch.

I just saw an article saying people are joining the NRA in record numbers. There are reports of lots of Twitter wine Facebook postings!

So please please please keep it up. Let’s all get as many people that we know to join. And let’s get as many members to upgrade memberships.
Life Member here. But I know from previous posts that there are some "enhanced" levels of membership (like "Endowed Member"?) and I'd like to upgrade and donate. But I can't find any info on the NRA website about advanced memberships above Life Member. Can somebody help me out?

If worse comes to worse, I'll just donate to the NRA Foundation I guess.
I'm in. Already sent NRA/ILA $25 and I will send another $25 on 03-24-18. NRA definitely needs to change the position on marches and rallies, its a civil rights tactic that is very effective and the Left is going to use it against us with students and Tide eaters.
Yes good idea.

Better yet is getting the NRA to change it's :alien:position of NOT starting rallies etc. Wouldn't that be a sight....such a well organized, funded, flush with members private entity applying for a Washingto DC permit to protest.
The NRA has a policy of not holding protests? I did not know that.

It would be quite sobering to the media if several thousand NRA members appeared at one of their protests...
The NRA has a policy of not holding protests? I did not know that.

I think their reservation about rallies is that they fear not many pro-gun people would attend (most of us have jobs, after all) and the media would make the most of a pro-Second Amendment rally to not have many in attendance. And you know they would.
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