Who doesn’t own/like AR’s?

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Axis II

Jul 2, 2015
Who doesn’t own one or like them and why? Imo all they are good for is mag dumps and shooting games, but i am a hunter and all my long guns are hunting related. I have been debating really hard on getting one but really all i can see myself using it for would be coyote hunting and maybe shooting games, steel plate shooting, etc. i just don’t see a practical purpose. Anyone else the same?

Maybe i would be more suited with a PCR. I am slightly intrigued by the AR after handling a few today and shooting one. I’m thinking maybe it would be fun and if i end up hating it i could sell it.
I sort of feel the same way about bolt rifles, they are really only good for shooting targets at the range, playing long range games, and for shooting the big heavy magnums. I own several but they are only used for target shooting or if I travel somewhere to hunt that an AR wouldn't be legal to use.
I don't own one because I live in a commie state. I could've bought one years ago, when a full-featured AR was legal (of course it would now have to be registered), but my initial rifle purchases were traditional hunting rifles. Now I won't buy one because I have no interest in a neutered AR. Maybe if I ever escape this dump.

We live here so our children will know their grandparents and extended family. I'd like to leave as soon as they are grown, but that will be another 10 years. I'm trying to engineer a family migration and am looking at UT, ID, and WY (I would like to include MT and CO, but it looks like they are or will be no better than NY by the time I would be able to move). #1 will be off to college in '24 and her first choice is out in the rockies. If #2 chooses to head that way, then the family migration will be in motion!
I don't own one, and don't particularly care for them myself. But I understand the appeal for folks that do like them.
Guns are like everything else. Different strokes for different folks. It's all good.
What do you not like? I ask because i can’t quite put my finger on it for my situation.
What makes you think they arent "hunting" related?

I shot my first M16 as a teenager in jr. high, not long after they were starting to be issued. Bought my first Colt SP1 back in 1974, and have been shooting all sorts of variations of them ever since.

Even your lowly parts kit AR's will usually outshoot any off-the-shelf, typical "hunting" bolt guns.

Mag dumps are purely a function of the shooter and have nothing to do with the gun. You can do them with a bolt action just as easily too. ;) And if you never have, how can you call yourself a shooter?! :rofl:

I think the biggest issue here as with most things, and as far as opinion goes anyway, is experience, or a lack of it, to know and understand. Spend a little quality time with anything, and get to know it, and you usually come out on the other side with a different opinion.

And if you think the AK's are weird and have no practical use, just throw the AK's into the mix! :thumbup::rofl:
I like em. They’re fun to shoot, easy to configure, good for home defense, good for killing wild pigs, good for deer with the right ammo and distance (I don’t deer hunt with it, but some do). They’re kinda ugly to start with so it don’t make ya cringe to bang em around or rattle can em. Parts and mags are available. Its been time tested, so checks that box.

That’s just my opinion. You don’t have to like it or own one if it’s not something you’d enjoy, or use.

As has been said, different strokes for different folks. Nothing at all wrong with that
I own one because a certain President said I should not, I think I took it to the range once or twice and mounted up a good Nikon scope LPO and some other accessories. However, I have no interest in them, think they are ugly and uninteresting. And, I know it will cause great consternation, I do not think the 5.56 adequate as an ethical hunting cartridge and in other calibers there are other rifles I prefer to use and own. Mostly lever guns and bolt guns and even single shots.
I have done nearly all my hunting for most of the last decade with an AR of one flavor or another. The AR can be chambered in a cartridge appropriate to hunt pretty much any critter in North America.

I'm about the same as far as hunting, I think I've carried a bolt or lever gun on a hunt maybe 20 times over the past 10 years or so.

And if you include AR-10's in the conversation they can hunt virtually everything on earth.
I do not own one and have no interest in owning one. Different tastes. Mine are all related to Long Range or very short range (10') There is nothing here in my neighborhood that would be suited to hunting with a Semi-Auto. Too crowded to hunt yot'es and we don't have any wild pigs yet. Then when hell hits the high water mark I figure there will be more than plenty of them laying about that I could just pick one out of dead hands.

The other day while working as RO on a 25yd range I had a customer spend 2.5hrs shooting his AR at a single target just 15yds away. Don't know what his intention was but I was not impressed with his target. I hold better groups with my 45ACP.
Who doesn’t own one or like them and why? Imo all they are good for is mag dumps and shooting games, but i am a hunter and all my long guns are hunting related. I have been debating really hard on getting one but really all i can see myself using it for would be coyote hunting and maybe shooting games, steel plate shooting, etc. i just don’t see a practical purpose.

Jim? Is that you? LOL!

Lots of folks hunt with AR style rifles. They kill game every bit as efficiently as your wood and blue steel bolt gun. Just use proper bullets and cartridges, but that should go without saying.

As far as “practical”, there probably isn’t a better choice for defense of the home, especially if faced with multiple attackers or in a rural setting. Properly equipped of course, with a white light and a sling minimum, a red dot would greatly increase effectiveness too.
I don't own one, and don't particularly care for them myself. But I understand the appeal for folks that do like them.
Guns are like everything else. Different strokes for different folks. It's all good.
I agree with this post a lot. I don’t see the use of owning a lot of older nostalgia milsurp stuff or single action revolvers, but I certainly see their worth and appeal, if not to me.

I am getting back into levers and bolt actions more these days, and having a ball. Eyeing a Ruger single action in .357 too, for kicks.
@Axis II I would like to recommend that you give an entry level AR a try.

I bought a lefthanded Stag Arms M4 style AR 10-12 years ago. I also bought a AK 47, 7-8 years ago. I came to the conclusion that they are really good at eating ammo. I sold both when I retired. I prefer hunting with a bolt action or lever action.
I also prefer target shooting with a bolt, where an inexpensive model can deliver exceptional accuracy.
Home defense; I like a shotgun and/or handgun.

I recommend you give an AR try to see if its right for you. $600-800 for the rifle. You will quickly consume that much $$$ in ammo. Remember that ARs are really good at eating ammo 🤣
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