Recent content by CNYCacher

  1. C

    About to acquire my first real gun has a lot of great stuff on kids and guns
  2. C

    2 handguns. 98 rounds fired. 13 people dead. All in 1 minute? I don't believe it!

    Pre-ban mags are still legal in NYS. Also, the PA border is very close to Binghamton. But, the logical conclusion is that murder is also illegal in NYS.
  3. C

    Shots Fired on WKU Campus

    Why are you posting this as "Shots Fired"?
  4. C

    The election is effectively over. What are your gun plans?

    Somebody has been trained well.
  5. C

    Dilemma... gun safety for the kid...

    He isn't humble enough to accept the possibility that a gun he knows is empty might actually be loaded. He is also naive enough to believe that the puff of air directed right at her face couldn't harm her by itself. He is also immature enough to think that his prank was funny. Sorry, I have...
  6. C

    Brinks commerical... Just call me a cynic

    My favorite brinks commercial is the ninja disguised as a jogger. Anyone ever catch that one?
  7. C

    Beware: Accidentally Carrying Through Random Border Patrol Checkpoints in Western WA

    Highly relevant to the discussion
  8. C

    Electrical wizards - could stun guns be lethal weapons if manufactured specifically..

    The amount of amperage required to kill someone is very very small and doesn't require large wires. Your skin is an excellent insulator. 400V is not likely to kill you through dry skin contact. Had your hands been wet, you might have felt something a little different. Had the 400V been...
  9. C

    Strongest Arguments for CCW on Campus

    Don't remember who said it, but basically it went something like "If you allow guns on campus, the campus will become as dangerous as Wal-Mart!"
  10. C

    Electrical wizards - could stun guns be lethal weapons if manufactured specifically..

    Tasers and stun guns operate in the tens of thousands of volts range. That much voltage is enough to push a lethal current through your body's relatively high electrical resistance, especially if there are probes that get past the epidermis into wet tissue like with a taser gun. Based on what...
  11. C

    Electronics sent to the FIRING SQUAD (pics)

    Yeah, we put a lot of rounds through that monitor! Check out the tree behind it! A better view of the tree:
  12. C

    War PP bought at unethical shop

    I really can't fault the show owner for this You are just upset that you didn't pull one over on him. Who's unethical? The guy who sells his wares for market price or the guy who knew the price was too small and tried to buy it anyway?
  13. C

    Under 21... can I buy ammo?

    You might be surprised. My Walmart carries 39 but not 54