Recent content by Neverwinter

  1. N

    Elected representative calls for ban on 3D printed guns.

    Right now, the primary point of a 3D printed gun is to get around bans. Improvements in 3D printing could affect the direction of commercial production of firearms, at which point bans on 3D printing of guns will be a legal impediment on technological innovation. Are citizens of that future...
  2. N

    NWCN reports Clackamas shooter committed suicide after being confronted CCW holder.

    Columbine and VT were attacks by students of the school. The Ft Hood shooter attacked his workplace. Spree killers make their choices based on the targets of their animosity.
  3. N

    Letting this one pass

    Along with schools and malls, churches are the most likely places for spree killings to occur. Perhaps people should worship at home and not collected in a place where it is so easy to be attacked.
  4. N

    What if pro-gun folks wrote the laws?

    You might be interested in reading through a previous discussion that we had regarding improving firearms ownership: In that thread, there was a proposal to have the federal government prohibit state governments from creating more restrictions...
  5. N

    Anybody can buy at a gun show!

    Unless it's changed, obtaining an FFL for the purposes of easier firearms transactions is discouraged.
  6. N

    Thought Experiment about School CCW

    What I would like to know is the relative unlikely frequency of LE going crazy compared to the relative unlikely frequency of spree killings. What we're talking about are two statistically small events here.
  7. N

    Attempted armed carjacking at a church in Portland, Oregon

    The real world which has journal articles observing the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Like the people who say that we should ban guns to prevent spree killings, you want to address the symptoms rather than the cause.
  8. N

    China incident; relevant to RTKBA

    People don't seem to want to deal with public health issues, from the discussions I've seen. Their solution is usually to deal with the symptoms rather than the source.
  9. N

    Attempted armed carjacking at a church in Portland, Oregon

    You're downplaying the effects of foster parenting and rehabilitation because it doesn't fit your preconceived beliefs about how we should protect society. It seems that your question about "how do we protect society?" wasn't actually a question. Availability of family planning doesn't do...
  10. N

    Attempted armed carjacking at a church in Portland, Oregon

    But they can from foster parents when placed by the child services agency. You can also protect society by providing the access and knowledge of family planning so that people who don't want to be parents don't end up as parents. It's more proactive than reacting to the aftermath. This can...
  11. N

    Attempted armed carjacking at a church in Portland, Oregon

    It's not hard to look. You protect society by reducing crime. You reduce crime by reducing the factors which produce criminal actors, and by rehabilitating criminal actors into lawful...
  12. N

    Attempted armed carjacking at a church in Portland, Oregon

    You don't protect society by promoting incarceration over rehabilitation. His answer is still accurate.
  13. N

    Burglar calls 911 to save himself from gun-wielding homeowner

    Another observation is the value of being on the phone with 911. If the homeowner had used unlawful force, it would have been on record on the call. That way, even if the deceased cannot provide testimony, the evidence is still there. It probably would have helped that dead Florida teen.
  14. N

    Anti-Gun Legislator Arrested...For Having Gun at Airport!

    If a legislator described as a "family man" is caught doing something in an airport, there's a good chance he's publicly against that. Just sayin'. ;)
  15. N

    Chuck Woolery Speaks About "Assault Rifles"

    "We're Not Going to Let Our Campaign Be Dictated by Fact-Checkers." Colbert was right!