Recent content by zorro45

  1. Z

    What do folks here do with their carry gun when they have to go into a post office?

    UPS Store for all my package and overnight letter needs, they actually track the packages and give delivery notifications online. They have PO boxes for rent too. My post office has drop off boxes which actually front onto a non-Gov't. parking lot.
  2. Z

    How to hang a rifle at the back door?

    I think some type of same storage is a must, as a theft deterrent and to avoid legal liability based on future actions of a thief. Also I wouldn't want to pull up the driveway, see the back door forced open, and start wondering how good my jacket thrown over the AR15 in the back of the closet...
  3. Z

    Is this odd?

    I'll bet that makes an excellent target!
  4. Z

    Looking for a recommendation regarding armed church security

    There are pop-up ballistic curtains which are sound- actuated that sit in flower-box looking things on the floor. If you look closely at political debates you will see them in use.They go up after the first shot. There are also very stout pulpits which can be armored, these can be made in a...
  5. Z

    There is an interesting case playing out in deep Southern Illinois regarding Booby Traps

    I think anybody with a small modicum of intelligence would think about a situation such as a fire, volunteer F.D. rolls up, etc.
  6. Z

    Neighbor Shooting Directly Towards My Home Just Hundreds of Feet Away

    I'd call the sheriff every time this happens.When this doesn't work I'd move up to the State Police. I wouldn't want to go shooting with or be friendly with an idiot. You might also have a legal claim in that this is reducing the value of your property. There are also legal processes to compel...
  7. Z

    compact heavy firepower for wilderness helicopter travel

    I would bring a very slow friend.
  8. Z

    Non-firearm weapons- who trains with their BODY?

    There is a pretty good online course available through "The Great Courses" from The Teaching Company, entitled Understanding and Applying Self-Defense Strategies Course No. 7808 Instructor Tammy Yard-McCracken, Psy.D., LPC Kore Self-Defense & Krav Maga The Teaching Company courses can be...
  9. Z

    Tractor Supply has guards.

    My daughter worked for a while at a clothing retailer . The policy if they saw someone shoplifting was to try to sell them matching accessories for whatever they saw them stuffing into a bag."Would you like some blue tights to go with that shirt in your bag?" Any other action would result in...
  10. Z

    national review Prof. Joyce Lee Malcolm

    National Review April 16, 2018 has an excellent article about Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm, "The 'Nice Girl' who saved the Second Amendment". It recalls her scholarship on the English Bill of Rights of 1689 which granted Protestants the right to have arms for their defense. (during the English...
  11. Z

    So I Inquired with Yeti about the NRA issue.

    My suggestion would be to buy a cheap cooler from Walmart (haters please stop) and send the 300 I would save to worthy cause, which may or may not be the NRA, or the practice ammo fund. My cheap coolers sit on the porch from Thanksgiving to start of fishing season, they get rinsed out and...
  12. Z

    Examples of recent rebellions/civil wars where semi-auto rifles critical to the rebels' success?

    A pretty good analysis of guerilla warfare in the 20th Century is The War Of The Flea: A Study of Guerrilla Warfare Theory and Practice by Robert Taber Usage Topics War of the Flea, guerrilla, guerrilla war, warfare, war, rebellion...
  13. Z

    Va Tech student arrested for having AR and ammo.

    Sounds like a good case for jury nullification. From my experience people who have evil intent do not use the gun locker at the University Police station. Might also have been an opportunity for the detective to do a little preemptive crime prevention instead of being an accessory to messing up...
  14. Z

    Mantis X Training System - Anyone Else Using it?

    I have used this, and I learned that if I paid attention to the fundamentals, I "shot" better. Then when I go to the range, I also learned that if I paid attention to the fundamentals, I shot better. Of course the range cost more, but it was also more fun. For the 1911 for dry firing, you could...