What do you carry when you can't carry a firearm?

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I routinely do not carry what I consider a weapon other than a firearm, and the gun is not a full time thing. Almost always will have a knife on me. But it's no weapon. If I'm worried about it, I'll carry a cane. But I need to get a new cane that is a bit stronger.
The knife I carry daily, regardless of other blades/tools, is a Tarani Masters Model Karambit, pre-5.11, when Blade-tech made them in the USA for the original Karambit.com. My favored multi-tool is a Victorinox Swisstool. If I cannot carry a gun, I will likely add a fixed-blade. The last fixed-blade I carried regularly was a first-generation Shivworks Clinch Pick, until the the sheath cracked. I would, today, fall back on my prior most-carried Spyderco Ronin. In the near-future, I will be able to start carrying a Crawford Custom Kasper Scorpion, after I have sorted-out the belt attachment hardware.
My state doesn't issue carry permits for personal defense so a firearm has simply never been an option.

I always have a knife on me except in the most unusual circumstance of a court house, airport, or anywhere else there is an actual metal detector. While don't generally consider most of my knives to be weapons, I believe I'm somewhat of a rarity that I actually train how to use one in defense (have to roll my eyes at people with zero training who think they are defending themselves by putting a folder in their purse or backpack). Outside work, I always carry OC. If I'm planning on walking more than just between the car and a store, I walk with a hardwood cane or walking stick I made. The stick also goes with me into an areas where I can't have my knives or OC. Besides that, I always have some kind of item or combination of items consisting of a heavy, dense metal object at least 4 ounces in weight combined with some kind of flexible item to act as a "handle."
I'm a contractor, so I always have stuff on me that might make a viable weapon.

Most of the places I go, I can carry my gun. The places that prohibit my gun generally box my pocket folder, multi-tool, etc.

I do sometimes carry a fixed blade as a back up. Sometimes something as big as a Gerber Mkii, generally a stout 3.5-4" folder gets the nod though.

My thought process is this, I don't train enough to be 100% with my gun. I do, however, work with my hands. Tools, shovels, axes, khukuris. I've been using these kinds of things daily since i was a boy. I'm a pretty beefy guy, and if I were put in fight or flight mode at bad breath range, I would probably be more dangerous than with my gun.
You might find it handy too.

..for getting stopped by the police, you mean.

There's no need to carry something that draws attention from police or advertises that you're armed. A cane, cane umbrella, full water bottle, thermos, sturdy pen, sturdy flashlight, etc are all hide in plain sight defensive tools that you can carry anywhere since they are day to day items usable anywhere.
Most places that I visit that are gun free zones are also knife free zones. So my most bare bones item is a tactical pen. The one I am using right now is from a smaller company called Sahara Sailor but it holds up well and held up better than a Smith and Wesson pen. The stylus tip fell off and the bottle opener/combo edge seems pretty useless to me but the window breaker sure is nice.

I always carry a lock blade folder in the maximum legal length blade, Mace, a straight grain hickory cane, a flashlight and cellphone. 1st two items stay home when in a weapons free zone.
A CRKT M21-04G is omnipresent on me, as is a Streamlight flashlight. I'll typically have a Fenix flashlight and a small Leatherman multi-tool in my jacket. Then I have a OKC SP-50 Spearpoint Bowie and a larger SOG multi-tool in my "purse," which is the backpack I carry everywhere with me. If I am at work or some place where it is prohibited for me to carry, the Glock 20 goes in the purse as well. Otherwise, I really prefer the Glock to be on my hip. I believe in redundancy. I hate needing a flashlight to find a flashlight, and I was a Boy Scout, so at this point I expect me to be prepared and have the right tool for the job, as do most of the people who know me. I can be in a room with half a dozen of my friends and if one of them needs something they will look directly at me and say, "does someone have a..." Yeah I am that guy everyone wants to be around when the Zombie Apocalypse finally happens.

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