More censoring on Youtube after accident on Rust

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However, more and more social media companies are working as direct representatives of government, whether it be local, Federal, or foreign.

State and local agencies in CA have gotten social media companies to censor content that they didn't like. The Biden Administration complains that their definition of disinformation needs to be removed and blocked.

If social media is willingly conspiring with the government, and in effect becoming an agent of said government, the 1A should fully apply to them as well.
Exactly. They’ve aligned themselves with the .gov and are acting as the brokers and dissemination controllers of information and content.
...I think censorship is a direct violation of our first amendment.

YouTube, their house, their rules...

Normally, the latter would be 100% true. But for some reason we have NOAA, CSB, and plenty of other TLA tax dollars going into supplying video content there, which makes things really murky. Or it would have back when people got the least bit excited about ethics violations.
Look it’s simple.

Walmart can’t decide to not have handicap parking, that’s Illegal, it’s discrimination.


I think that’s the wrong analogy. Walmart can’t be forced to sell products they don’t want to. If they don’t want to sell firearms or Confederate flags, they don’t have to. YouTube doesn’t have to show firearms videos if they don’t want to. Whether it’s Walmart or YouTube, if they don’t have the product someone is looking for they need to take their business elsewhere.
. TO avoid being deluged with all that crap YT will aim at Me. I have turned off my Search History and Watch History so that YT is getting no information about what consume.

That prevents someone using YOUR browser from seeing what you’ve been doing with YOUR browser but has no bearing on what information YouTube learns about you. In fact, if you turn off those things in Google Chrome they give you a warning that you might not be getting the results you think you are.

That prevents someone using YOUR browser from seeing what you’ve been doing with YOUR browser but has no bearing on what information YouTube learns about you. In fact, if you turn off those things in Google Chrome they give you a warning that you might not be getting the results you think you are.

View attachment 1035115

I turned off search and watch history in YouTube not in my browser. Since I did it weeks ago I no longer get fed videos to watch based upon what I have watched or searched for. The purpose of those YT settings is to stop your activity from being recorded. YT even warns you when you turn them off that it will not be able to suggest content based upon your viewing and searching if you turn the settings off. I no longer get fed stuff f from you tube other than their general public home page. If anyone wants to try it in YT go to settings in your account and turn of watch and search history. It works.
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