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Hunting with Blades... only!

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Rob Pincus

Dec 21, 2002
Location Varies
Who hunts with knives or spears?

To date, I've taken half a dozen wild boar with blades only.

The one in the pic was the lastest, taken with a combination of Cold Steel spear and custom Mad Dog knife. It was about 155-165 pounds.


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I'm impressed. Always though about doing a Harley hunt like that.

Maybe past my prime to do so at this point though.

Congrats on the pig. Wish I had done this 20 years ago.

It can be as exciting as you want it. Most of the guides who are used to people doing this will try to stay involved until they are comfortable with you "going in alone."

With good dogs and an aggressive guide, you don't have to do much more than walk up and stab or slice the hog (depending on size and preference).

I chased that one on foot for about 300 yards before I got the spear into him the first time, then it was about 3 minutes of all-out wrestling before he finally bled out from two spear wounds and two knife stabs to the lower chest (where the heart is). I was pretty well burned out by the time that pic was taken. Other hogs have gone much easier with assistance from guides and/or dogs.
If I had to run 300 yds they'd be carrying me out on a stretcher.

Sure looks like it gets the "rush" you look for in these events though.

Great score, should have tried this years ago. Maybe I will anyway.

I was invited to a knife hunt for boar in Texas, had planned on using my Cold Steel tanto (1st edition) but family crisis cancelled my trip, always sounded like fun.

Good looking pig.
Hey Rob, great picture, looks like the adrenaline is still running through your blood! When you say you ran it down and wrestled with it I assume you had some dogs along to help? Sounds like great fun, I have bought the Cold Steel spear and made another for my eventual hunts...since I don't drink I just need to grow bigger cuevos and I'll be ready to go!
Here's the real challenge: get one using only a neck knife.:neener:

Hunting animals with knives seems to be quite a challenge, chasing them down, stabbing them, and then wrestling them. I know a guy who used to hunt hogs with an old sword. Kinda freaky, seeing his sword with blood pitting on it.

If I had to run 300 yards full speed, I'd be the dead one.
Rob, that is tough. I mean seriously tough. I would love to try something like that.

And liberal weenies make fun of hunting because it ain't "fair". :)
Yeah, but you're still going to tell us whether you threw the Samboru and how it worked, right? Inquiring minds want to know! Take your time, but don't forget.
Sorry guys... I had to run this morning.

My first knife hunt was at night. It was pretty interesting. I ended taking the second hog of the night in a river up to my shoulders after a long chase. That one was with a very experienced guide and several dogs and was pretty crazy.

As far as the neck knife thing... the knife that I have used most is only 3& 3/4" long... nothing too large. I'm actually holding it in the picture attached, but it is hard to see in my left hand.

The spear was thrown once, when I first encountered the hog. I was trying to hit the heart (low towards the front of the body) and I missed. I found a slice on the inside of one leg that I'm pretty sure was from that throw... but it ws very superficial. After the chase I drove the spear into the hogs body, hitting at least one lung. At that point the thing tried to get at me and I used the spear like you would use a catch-pole if you had a rapid dog on the loop end. This was probably when the spear bent seriously, because of the leverage. That went on for awhile before I took the spear out, circled, drove it back in and closed...flipped... and went to work with the knife.
As for the chase, it was a real RUN most of the time. The story is that it was the end of the day and the one dog we had was DONE. Wouldn't hunt. He had already bayed 3 good hogs and fought with another one while the rest of the hunting party got their kills. I was kinda just along as a "host". We were up on the swamp buggy when a hog spooked next to us and ran off, so I jumped down and chased the thing a short distance before the first throw. After that, the big chase was on and the dog was still on the buggy. After about 300 yards or so, the hog stopped and I had slowed down (getting winded). At that time, the buggy caught up and the dog finally decided to get on the gournd. The dog started messing with the hog and I went in for the first stab... the rest you've already read.

That hunt was set up through Mike Delany of BoarSight outfitters in southern Florida. He is awesome. Highly recommended. If anyone really wants to go hog hunting (or after deer, turkey fish, whatever) in Florida, he's the man.
I've used other outfitters/guides, but the only other commercial one that I would recommend is Krooked River in Texas, that's where I did my first knife hunt... they are very experienced and have big hogs.
Rob does look as if he's bulked up some. But you can still definitely tell it's him. Enlarge the photo...note the point on his cranium:D
You two are hilarious.... ;)

I'm heading to Florida tomorrow... I'll be passing back through GA in about 12 days. Anything going on?
Just work... and shooting.

12 days is on the 19th. We could go down to the cabin and see if a hog jumps up...then you could run him down and stab him while I scream,"Get him, Rob. Get him."

I'm like some of the other guys: running three hundred yards would kill me.

I can come up with a bottle of Black Jack Daniels though.

You do look kinda pumped up in that photo.

Oh, night hunting? I was thinking of you using that night vision equipment:
Hogs are night are as much tracking by sound (even without dogs) as anything. Hogs and Humans are the only mammals I am aware of whose eyes don't reflect white light back brightly at night.
Practical experience with night vision leads me to believe that it would not enhance knife hunts... great for rifle work, though!

It will actually be the 20th when I come back... my day-count was off! I'll touch base with you via email next week.
Hey, I want to try that!

We got LOTS o' feral hogs out here in Kaliforny. Thay're getting to be a big problem in suburban areas where you can't shoot 'em. I can still run faster 'n further than most if I warm up the knees first. Jus' got my first longer-than-two-inch folder. I'll have to see what I can drum up, guide-wise.

I'm pretty good with a javelin. Maybe I could combo it up with an atlatl and a couple of medium-length spears. Hmmm.

On an unrelated subject, how did this thread get to be such a moderator convention? Co-winky-dink?
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