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FTF in Remington R1 question

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Mar 8, 2008
Just went shooting with my R1 and shot Tula and Magtech 230 gr roundball. Had multiple FTF issues. Never had that problem with Blazer or Monarch. Curious as to whether I now have an extractor issue or is it just cheap ammo? By the way, FTF happened with both CMC and Remy mags. Please give feedback.
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Failure to fire or failure to feed? I do wish folks would stop using the "FTF" to mean both.

Assuming your mention of the extractor indicates a failure to feed, I think we need more information, like what exactly happened. Can you provide pictures of what the gun looked like (stovepipe, nose jam, etc.)? Maybe the ammo is underpowered and didn't operate the slide fully.


Just to clarify, I meant "failure to feed". The case of the fired round did not eject from the barrel; causing a jam. This happened several times with both Tula and Magtech ammo. Never had a problem until now. I tried by the CMC mags and Remy mags and had the same problem with both. Am going out again with some Remington UMC ammo I have and see how that works. I hope it is cheap ammo and not an extractor issue.
Just to clarify, I meant "failure to feed". The case of the fired round did not eject from the barrel; causing a jam.

That is a Failure to Eject (FTE)

Check your extractor it may have "clocked" which means turned in it's tunnel and is not fully engaging the case rim.

More likely it's a combination of poor extractor tuning and the Tula ammo leaving residue in the chamber. brass cased ammo fired after steel case ammo can create extraction difficulties. Best give the chamber a good scrubbing and retry.

I've always had Failure to Eject issues with TULA ammo in my 1911. Everything I've ever shot has worked perfectly except TULA.
failure to extract

My problem is failure to extract. Thanks for the pictures. I really hope it is just an ammo issue; not an extracter.
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Tula Ammo might be dirty and cheap, but I've never had a problem with it. I put 100 rounds of it down range last weekend without one problem. On the other hand, I've had reeeeeeal bad luck with Magtech Ammo - lots of bad primers and FTF's (that is to say, "Failure To Fire" :D )

Every guns different. I just wouldn't use that ammo anymore. No point in trying to "fix" your gun just so it can shoot crap ammo.
If the fired case isn't even being pulled out of the chamber and the top round butts up against it, as in the first picture I showed (sorry it is a little blurry), there has to be some mechanical problem with that extractor. Pull back and lock the slide and see if there is even a hook on it.
Extractor seems fine

The extractor seems fine. It ejects the casing when I pull the slide back manually. The "hook" on the extractor is still intact. I am going out with Remington 230 grains in the next couple of days. Hopefully, this has only been a bad ammo issue. Shipping out to Afghanistan in a week; so I won't be able to deal with this problem until I return.
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