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Pics of last years deer hunts

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Feb 12, 2013

Already getting excited about next deer season. Though it would be cool to see what others have harvested last year and how. Savage 11 in .308 at 30 yards = Very dead deer. Did not have a clear shot so aimed for the spine since I was close and succeed.
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I tried to post a completely blank message as a representation of my deer hunt last year, but apparently each message needs at least three characters.
Wellllllll...... this is actually from December, 2011. But, I didn't have a chance to get out in 2012, so it'll have to do.
It's one of three Sitka Blacktail bucks and two does I got that year.
Each were taken with a Remington 700 MTN in 270win, from a boat bobbing in the salt water.
This one was at about 80-90 yards, which is pretty typical.


And then, there was this fuzzy little guy. He'll get bigger. ;)

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Nice buck Rembrandt!!! I look at that and it's twice the size of the one I shot. What state where you hunting in?

Here's my wife from last year. It's a little one but her first ever deer. Actually it was only the 2nd time she's ever been hunting. We sat in the stand less than 30 min before this one and an even smaller one walked out. That's what threw me. I saw the smaller one and said, "Shoot the bigger one. It's the momma." WRONG! Apparantly it was big brother. Oh well, it was some kind of tender. :)
157 steps, DRT.
She handloaded the bullet that killed it too. Good stuff.

DMH said:
Nice buck Rembrandt!!! I look at that and it's twice the size of the one I shot. What state where you hunting in?

Girth measurement put it around 325 live weight....taken in Iowa.
I came up empty this last season but its great to see you all had a good season.
Where I hunt for the next 5 years you have to have a buck with 3 points on one side for the deer to be legal. I think this will help with the deer here in Michigan . Good luck in the next season
Where I hunt for the next 5 years you have to have a buck with 3 points on one side for the deer to be legal. I think this will help with the deer here in Michigan .

It sure has helped here in Arkansas.
We can kill does in most of the state, but bucks have to be 3 points on one side. We have seen much better bucks since the rule went into place. It's a good rule.
Girth measurement put it around 325 live weight....taken in Iowa.

That's about 3x the size of a whitetail buck around here (Coues). It'd take a really good muley buck to approach that weight, and I'm not sure even they would. That's one big deer.
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