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  1. B

    Moved to Redlands, CA. Help anyone?

    Go over to and mention Redlands. There are a mess of guys from the area on that site. Buckshot is one.
  2. B

    Cops still using gun leather?

    NYSP still using leather and synthetics.
  3. B

    Why Bowling Pins?

    Morphic resonance. You see, eons ago there were man eating bowling pins roaming the earth The desire to shoot the modern bowling pin is easy explained when you realize it's a predator/prey relationship issue. Glad I could help. Professor Cletus T. Ledbetter, Esq.
  4. B

    2 dead students, police refused assistance

    I've worked similar cases where the complainant and I both knew he was going to get hurt if something wasn't done and soon. Sometimes you can talk to the bad guy and make him see the light, sometimes you can get them into a mental health unit and sometimes you can try to make an arrest. The...
  5. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    Make sure you send in the letters and emails and make those phone calls! We'll be moving onto anti-gun legislation this week.
  6. B

    Some possible help in getting Nationwide Concealed Carry Permits.

    There is currently a bill to allow reciprocal carry among all 50 states in Congress. It addresses the no permit states too I think. Check the stopguncontrol thread. BTW- I like the timeline in the post above. Mirrors my thoughts exactly.
  7. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    ...There are good reasons for keeping this information confidential, and for strengthening the Tiahrt Amendment and making it permanent: * Releasing the information serves no useful purpose. The Congressional Research Service has repeatedly said "firearm trace data may be biased" and...
  8. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    The Stearns/Boucher Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Bill H.R. 861 and S. 388, introduced in the U.S. House by Representatives Cliff Stearns’ (R-Fla.) and Rich Boucher (D-Va.), and in the U.S> Senate by Senators John Thune R-S.D., and Ben Nelson, D-Neb. would allow any person with a valid concealed...
  9. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    ...Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and a bipartisan group of Judiciary Committee members, would fix these problems. Among its provisions: * S. 376 would reduce the period an officer must serve before gaining eligibility to carry firearms as a retiree. Under current law, only officers with 15...
  10. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    Okay, the links won't transfer and they won't stay full length when I cut and paste. So, since I'm learning as I go, here's the link to That will get you to the same post as shown, but with working links. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know. Sorry for the...
  11. B

    8/22/07 Lets roll!

    I want to start things off on a positive note, so the first drive will be in reference to PRO-GUN legislation. First- S376, The Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2007- This one takes care of the loophole left in the original act allowing non-police annual qualification. IOW- If your...
  12. B rejoins the battle

    Okay the server has been updated. All thats beyond me. If it doesn't have points or nuts/bolts/nails I'm lost on how to fix it. Anyway, the tech wizard says it's fixed, o join the fight guys. Give me a bit to get things lined up and we'll light this rocket.
  13. B rejoins the battle

    Yeah, no spell check on that system. Thanks, I'll fix it.
  14. B rejoins the battle

    I'll contact our tech guy right away Kevin. I was unaware there was any problem Thanks for trying.
  15. B rejoins the battle

    This is the text of a message I posted at For those that don't know it's a site developed strictly for organizing letter, email, phone campaigns on RKBA issues. We hope to help organize every single firearms related website around in a coordinated effort at fighting for...
  16. B

    these TV cop shows are ridiculous

    My wife love s those murder shows, my sons love Cops, etc. They ask why I can't stand them. "Well, I've been to a lot of autopsies and never once saw one conducted in a dark room where the ME talks to the body." (CSI) "They never would show the work I do or folks I deal with. They're HUMAN"...
  17. B

    HR1022 take action now! Easy to use form

    Still fighting this one guys. Please join in and give us a hand. Thanks
  18. B

    Surrendering Your CCW Piece to a LEO

    What if the "cop" looked like Elvis? I think I saw this question in "Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement" magazine. Where do people find the time to think of this stuff:banghead: ?
  19. B

    Giving the "silent treatment" when pulled over

    I've been dealing with folks on the side of the raod for over 20 years. Most times it's been pleasant. Sometimes I've wound up at the bottom of the pile and trust me, that'sno fun. So my advice is treat the cop like you'd like to be treated. If you got pulled over for a violation or for some...
  20. B

    HR1022 take action now! Easy to use form

    Thanks to all who are helping. What we need is some regulars here to make it a point to stop by our site and help co-ordinate the drives. We have thousands of people on the various gun/shooting/hunting/trapping sites. This could make big waves if we all start writing and calling saying "ENOUGH...