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  1. H

    What it is, is Colt-flavored TREASURE...

    ...And it arrived in the best possible way. Now: I have most recently acquired what is the first gun to add to my collection in literally YEARS. Been way too broke, for far too long. Gotta new job I like finally, crawling outta debt. The future's looking livable again. I was actually...
  2. H

    A law Ahnohld signed that's actually good...

    Doc Jones' thread about calling the Governator and thanking him for vetoing the stinker gun laws lately inspired me to inform the Korny Kaliforny gun-owners stuck here with me about a law that Arnie signed, that's actually beneficial. Heard about on KPFA, of all places. Overheard it actually...
  3. H

    Anyone wanna buy a cartridge case from an A-10 30mm Gatling gun?

    Just groping around in the dusty corners on E-bay, seeing what I can find by flipping over rocks. I found this! :) : Listing at all of 5 bucks at time of this post, this is kinda neat. The guy selling it apparently has a bud in Iraq who's an A-10 mechanic, who prised a few of these...
  4. H

    The Local Fishwrap pummeling the dead equine...long but fun.

    Whine, whine, whine! What kind of cheese do you want? They tooK it, they TOOK it! Waaahhh! Make 'em give it baaack!! [Smack!] :eek: From deep behind the Tie-Dyed Bead Curtain, completely surrounded by Socialeftist Institutionalism and Re-Education Camps, H_R_G sends out a dispatch from the...
  5. H

    What ARE these people shooting?

    I mean AFTER Ol'_Man_Potato_Diggers and his bud Gunshop_Commando with the same gun, and after Ex_Kaliforny_Kowboy with his reliability-challenged GPMG-42 (Or is it a -34?) or whatever it is. Cute_Girl's spraying the landscape with a AR-15/M-16 variant-or-other, but what's Burl_LEe_Trooper...
  6. H

    "Inherited" a VERY nice sheath knife from Finland. Info, anyone?

    Here's where I got it. A long story. It's a "puukko", a Finnish belt knife similar to a tanto. This one was apparently a semi-custom collabaration by a cutlery firm and a designer of some repute I've never heard of, but I'm not aware of when it was made, what kind of steel it is, or what it's...
  7. H

    As a well-known gun-nut, I tend to inherit gun stuff my non-gunner friends find...

    That's kinda cool. Got me a couple of fine deals on rifles I didn't really want but couldn't pass up as-new at half price like my BAR, or the stainless A-bolt and Remington 7400 combo-plate. You can't disappoint a good friend when they're desperate for cash, even when you tell 'em up front what...
  8. H

    Cops refuse to return stolen gun they recovered. Grrr!!

    I need some help, here. I need to rally the formidable resources of The High Road to challenge an injustice. A wrong has been perpetrated against an innocent citizen by the local police under color of authority. NOTE: This is not a cop-bashing thread! This has nothing to do with officer...
  9. H

    Shooters with kids?: A chance to educate some newbies, need some good literature...

    Hey, anyone can chime in if they've got a good pointer or link, so everybody's invited! Hokay, here's how it works. I have some good friends who aren't gun people. They have an 8-year-old son, who is a great kid. In the course of doing some home improvements at their house, Julian (the...
  10. H

    Broomhandles, Tokarev Ammo: The BIG question! Seeking History and Ballistics opinions

    Ok, I was going to post this on the ".30 Mauser and 7.62 Tokarev aren't the same" thread, but this isn't really about that particular question, and this would have qualified as thread drift. So: One of the things about guns that fascinates me as a collector is the amazing variety of calibers...
  11. H

    Repairing years of neglect: Cleaning up a classic OLD rifle

    Here's a nice detailed essay for rescuing any old milsurp or classic rifle that's been forgotten for years in a closet or attic, or has just come home from the show. I wrote this over in the rifle forum, but it didn't get a lot of exposure. Results from this process can be dramatic and...
  12. H

    PRK's drop-test listing extortion racket, and exemptions therefrom.

    As inspired by my post in this thread, I'm inquiring about exemptions to the PRK's drop-test listing extortion racket, but I want to reach a broader audience. Way back when, two years ago, when the drop-test certification scheme first came into effect, there was a lot of confusion about...
  13. H

    Why aren't more Hand Rifles available? OLD THREAD

    Well, it's ME asking this question after all. Humor me. Ok, there's been a bunch of different Hand Rifles that have come and go over the years. But none of them seem to do particularlly well, with the exception of the T/C Contender (Which, chambered in .30-30, got me thinking/wishing on the...
  14. H

    UN-FREAKIN'-BELIEVABLE! The Local Fishwrap prints a PRO-GUN story!!

    Right. First I rail at 'em for printing up that pile of compost from UpChuck-and-Di-Fi, and they come back and make a DAMNFOOL outta me for complaining how miserably biased they are most of the time! Bloody 'ell, why can't The Local Fishwrap at least be consistent? :eek: I dunno.:uhoh: I...
  15. H

    Which load's gonna beat up my .44 Mountain Gun more? Expert opinions sought.

    There's 2 directions to go with violent .44 Mag loads. I have a 629-4 Mountain Gun I bought new for $450 a few years ago. It's never been back to the factory, I even have a now-expired one-year free servicing coupon. I didn't use it as the gun had had only 600-ish rounds through it at the time...
  16. H

    Upchuckie and Fineswine Working The BIG Shovel...yuck.

    Oh look, a voluminous pack of lies that the local fishwrap decided to devote about a quarter of the editorial page to. Chuck "Major Hypocryte" Schumer, and Diane "Concealed Weapons Permit" Finestein, laying the fertilizer on thick, fast and heavy. Try not to :barf:, but it's worth reading...
  17. H

    Break out the Shiner Bock and have a drink on ME! At last something GOOD happens!

    OK, a bit of patience before it gets gun-related. But first, plug your ears: YEEE-HAAWWW!!! Let their be vibrant peals of righteous celebration! :D My cup runneth over! :D Words fail me! :D Somebody up there likes me! :D Tonight, I recovered my stolen Porsche 928! DER UBERWAGEN RIDES...
  18. H

    OK, the SCOTUS threw out prosecuting OLD sexual assualt cases...Lautenberg act?

    ...On the grounds that you couldn't just arbitrarily dismiss the statute of limitations. Prosecuting people for crimes far in their past, regardless of their relative nastiness, is not legal. Convicted felons are being released from prison because of this ruling. Hundreds of pending cases are...
  19. H

    AARG! The War is making me think like a Liberal, or: Fixing the Jihaditude.

    My mind got to boiling today. I agree with a lot of the reasoning on the "Anyone NOT against the war?", and I certainly don't DESIRE a war. BUT... I have run out of patience. I am having a difficult time keeping emotions (Outrage, disgust, contempt, etc.) from dragging my head around in...
  20. H

    Aiming to upstage the Preacherman's Giant Bomb, I present Gibraltar's 100-Ton Gun!

    These're about the biggest cannons I've ever heard about. I wonder how they compare to the Japanese 18" naval guns? :D At Fort Rinella, Malta- At Napier, Magdala Battery, Gibraltar- From the front- Courtesy of Palmerstone Forts Society...