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    Police Officer Tasers Restrained Suspect To Get Urine Sample

    Let the apologists begin: Florida Police Officer Peter Linnenkamp reports tasering 18yo suspect Antonio Wheeler twice while Wheeler was handcuffed and strapped to hospital bed, to get urine sample. Report unclear whether Officer Linnenkamp was kneeling on suspect's chest at time of Tasering...
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    Newest UK alternative to self-defense??

    UK News-Telegraph 2/14/2005: A large black ball, originally designed by Swedish scientists for use on Mars, could be the latest weapon in the war against burglars.... :what: Robotic ball that chases burglars Also interesting series of articles referenced at bottom from January and...
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    Home Invasion

    In a thread which has suddenly vanished, FedDC said: <sigh> :banghead: Congratulations on staying sober. I'm allergic to wine, myself. Now: 1) Suppose, for the purposes of argument, that you were the intended victim of a home invasion robbery by ill-informed but enthusiastically...
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    Kern County Sheriff's say: "We'll Kick yout a$$"?

    It all surrounds a Kern County [CA] Sheriff's patrol car which carried a message some found offensive. An official looking sticker on the side reading.. "We'll Kick Your A$$". Story here: KGET Channel 17 news
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    The incredible arrogance of public employees

    Recently, I happened to have to go into the local Social Security office – a tiny, maybe 1000 sq ft building, with an even tinier 10’x20’ lobby and reception room, with a total of four customer service windows, at least two of which are always closed. The lobby features an armed private...
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    The American Delusion: Safety [Wired News]

    America's Flimsy Fortress ...Terrorists are so rare that any individual lead is almost certainly a false one. So billions of dollars are wasted with no assurance that any terrorist will be caught. When an airport screener confiscates a pocketknife from an innocent person, security has failed....
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    Tuesday Morning is anti-gun

    I note that the new Tuesday Morning store in my area proudly displays a "No Firearms" sign next to the entrance. [It's the largest closeout gift chain in the country, w/~500 stores nationwide.] In my case, the alleged "prohibition" is rather ironic, since CA has no statutes authorizing...
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    Schumer, Boxer to close the Surface-to-air missile loophole?

    I bet this is to protect airline passengers from all those Surface-to-air missiles that terrorists buy at local gunshows, eh? US plan to shield airlines from missiles advances [Can't have...