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    Idaho Reaffirms 2nd Amendment --tells DC to shove it

    "cease and desist" is the nice way of telling them to shove it....
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    America trained and armed him --now he has a question

    It's past time to answer his question. This situation has resulted because of the continued acquiesence demonstrated by the civilians in government and the lack of pressure applied on them by citizens on this issue. His concern is very similar to the one some of us had here in regard to...
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    Could "Youth" Model Firearms be Affected?

    I've never bought a youth model type firearm, but do the manuals ever specify an age?
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    They're All Urging the Great O to Restrict "Assault" Weapons

    Yep, feeling like the early 90s all over again. I hope the young 'uns get politically active this time.,216&lnk=b&ItemID=1580
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    Our New Attorney General? So what's his past story on "gun rights"?
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    DAY ONE: What will YOU change?

    Are you going to get an NRA membership? How about joining other orgs in your community so you can get involved both at the local and state level? How many letters will you write? How many community forums will you attend in person? Are you going to educate antis in a nice way by...
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    Easily keep track of your ammo and gun accessory purchases

    Of course, this only works for one company, but here goes for those of you who shop there: All you need to do is input your last name and zip code into the form above. The form will show all your purchases for the...
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    Brits: Welcome to America --now go straight to jail I'll let the article and some emphasis speak for itself. One question, though, do they teach mens rea in law school anymore?
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    Two States Away from Constitutional Convention?

    How possible is this? What actually happened in OH this week? Isn't then an old saying about an agreement only being as good as the paper it's written on? What happens when someone doesn't want to preserve the paper?
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    The Monster Deer from MI

    Before viewing pic in the linked article, please have TP and/or diaper ready:
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    Blackwater indictment; using a machine gun in a crime of violence Well, that about says it all.
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    Speaking of Terrorists...[File under "crime does pay"?] Given this morning's exchange rate that's just a few dollars shy of $450,000. I would imagine that's not bad for 10 years in the jungle in that...
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    Bloodshed On the Border (Juarez & El Paso)

    It's been a while since I dropped in [very briefly] at Bliss. Has El Paso become far more dangerous or has this sort of thing been largely kept to the other side of our border?
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    Mumbai attacks: Neighbours battle terrorists attacking Jewish centre

    I take it that gun control in India is such that the average law-abiding citizen has access to rocks, but the bad guys still have access to full automatic weapons and grenades. I commend the local citizens who tried to battle the terrorists with the only "tools" their gov't probably...
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    Compared to past years, how many different deer are you seeing?

    I know it's hard to tell deer apart unless you have a lot of experience and know your deer herd and land well, but how has this year been compared to past years? If you'd like to comment on the number of years you've been out in the field, state(s) you hunt, and other anecdotal...
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    Police officer turns back on man...REDUX

    As was suggested, let's try again: From old thread: No, not at all. Both officers are actually looking at man #2 who appeared unarmed and was still standing on the curb when man #1 (w/ club) walked behind the officer who had initially...
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    Police Officer turns back on man armed w/ club

    So is this normal procedure in Philadelphia?
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    Executive Orders to Come Quickly

    Using executive orders on firearms is nothing new and has happened in our lifetime already. Dismissing this issue now as "mere specualtion" when it comes to this rabidly anti-Second Amendment president-elect would be short-sighted...
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    How did THR become irrelevant?

    We've lost a lot of people here over the last couple of years. What happened? How did it happen? We have arrived at a time when THR should be the center of activity during this quiet prelude again (recall 1992) prior to another historic battle to retain what's left of our shrivelling...
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    New Gun Laws signed by Constitutionally Unqualified "President"?

    If a Constitutionally Unqualified person is somehow elected "President" of the United States, would bills passed by Capitol Hill but signed into supposed "law" by this person actually be real law? Would the enforcement of such a "law" actually be illegal? Would this have to go the...