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  1. K

    Did you hear about the DumbA** recruite?

    I was watching Fox News last night and they came up with a story where a new police recruit shot himself in the knee while holstering his gun. His C/O stated that he had left his finger on the trigger which you were never, ever supposed to do, and they were taught that before range time...
  2. K

    TN Mafia Get together....Isn't it time for another one?

    Ok, I think Memorial weekend will be out due to it being a holiday, however, I, for one, am up for another shoot out....Anyone else with me? If so, when can you make it?
  3. K

    Cheatham County Range

    Does anyone have directions to the range from KY?
  4. K


    Does anyone have the link to the 4 rules of fire arm safety? If so, could they please place a link here? I have a co-worker who would like to learn how to shoot, and I want her to learn and memorize the four basic rules before handleing a gun.... Thanks in advance.
  5. K

    Shooting Spree In Springfield TN Anyone hear about this?
  6. K

    Robbery held at gunpoint

    My Co-workers neice and friends were held at gunpoint during a home invasion. Everything was stolen including wallates and purses. My Co-worker was worried and at first thought, it happened at the complex beside mine. It wasn't. I went on to tell my co-worker that this is why everybody...