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    Does anybody make an IWB holster like this?

    I am looking at getting my first concealed carry holster, I've heard good things about the Versa Max II, and it looks good. What I was wondering though does anyone make a holster similar to it, but with the pistol grip facing the other direction. Instead of having the grip going backwards it...
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    handing over a gun to police after a justified homicide.

    I've read about and know how after any shooting, justified or not, the police will seize your weapon and hold it pending and investigation. I was just pondering what if you did not hand over the weapon. Say you shoot someone, call up the police and then go lock up your weapon somewhere safe...
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    So when is it time to start eating abandoned pets...

    I was thinking about that other thread about eating dog food, and how people were saying you should just eat the dog instead. Well when would be the appropriate time to starting eating dogs and cats? Should it only be done as a last resort once you start running low on food yourself? Or...
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    AWB: Some police officers get it. One of the local news stations interviewed a police officer about the AWB. At first I thought he was going to be supporting it because he was talking about AK-47s and whatnot, however he didnt.
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    National LEO CCW what are the proposed requierments...

    to get one? I'm somewhat opposed to it as others are on the basis that police should not be treated differently than the rest of us civillians. That being said lets say it passes, could I or anyone else go and become a cop for a year or two or something like that then go back on to doing...
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    Airsoft Roach Blasting

    Well I guess with the recent wet weather in my part of the world the roaches are trying to come indoors. I have a springloaded airsoft Glock 17 that I occasionally mess around with and usually use to blast any roaches that I see. The other day I fired one round into a roach that I saw...
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    Enough about Jessica Lynch, how about the other guys.

    Link Found this over at , its a pretty interesting read. I know from other threads about that talk about how the M-16s didnt do to well over there, well here is some more evidence.