
  1. R

    Victorinox Swisscard Lite

    Just came across these looking for guy gifts for Christmas. Are they worth carrying? Obviously not as good as larger multi tools but they seem really easy to carry. Just wondering how useful the tools really are?
  2. C0untZer0

    My review of the Irwin 6LN VISE-GRIP Locking Multi-Pliers with blade

    I am a sucker for multi-tools, and Menards had these on sale for $15.00, and there was a $5.00 mail-in rebate, making the price $9.99, so I bought their multi-tool this morning. It looked neat, and it had a bit driver, and I just thought it was cool. It wasn't until I opened the knife that I...
  3. K

    What's in Your Murse?

    What's in your murse (or on your person?) I ask this for two reasons. First, I'm wondering if I'm missing anything? Second, I'm wondering if I should delete anything as my murse has gotten heavier and bigger over the years: * Keys * Wallet * iPhone * Ear pods * Glock 20sf (loaded with 10...