
  1. S

    Beretta PX4 Storm VS Stoeger Cougar Series

    I have been researching both the Beretta PX4 Storm models, and the Stoeger Cougar series. The information I have discovered suggests that these pistols are identical copies nearly except the material in the frame. Stoeger uses aluminum while Beretta is using polymer. I also have read and...
  2. T

    Beretta px4 storm handgun

    Is there really any truth to the claims about it soaking up recoil like some kind of magical kinetic sponge? Or is it all just hype? I'm referring to both pocket and full sized.
  3. R

    Current 9mm Deals

    I am looking for a full size 9mm for a range gun. There a lot of good deals out there right now, but it is hard to pick between the guns. A lot of them are guns that I have never been able to hold, or shoot. I am looking at guns under $450. Here are some of the deals I have found, but I...