14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism

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Oh, please.

That whole site is so juvenile its positively pathetic.

Anyone who actually gets any "news" or "information" from that site has lost any and all credibility in my eyes, and I *seriously* question their reasoning capability and judgement for trusting such a garbage-laden filth hole.
Anyone who actually gets any "news" or "information" from that site has lost any and all credibility in my eyes, and I *seriously* question their reasoning capability and judgement for trusting such a garbage-laden filth hole.

Let me get this straight. Are you seriously saying that nothing from that site is newsworthy, and/or it is all garbage?

I don't know why I'm bothering further but.....

Seriously man, look at the pics that atek posted above.

If it is not immediately obvious to you why anyone with at least a double-digit IQ would not take that site seriously, you have major problems.
I like that guy. He does a number on Bush, Cheney, Kerry, Hillary, etc. He does make some rather strident criticisms of Sharon, and the American flag with 50 Stars of David does push the envelope. So it's like a lot of things on the internet. Dig through a lot of crap to find the good stuff.
Those 'signs of facsism' align pretty much with the various definitions of the term to be found elsewhere on the web.

But anyway, Dr Jones, if rense.com said that the sky was blue, would you take a look outside and check? ;-)

Golgo-13: what was the point of this thread? Do you think America is becoming fascist?
Pros and Cons

One the one hand, I found the cartoons to be funny and interesting. On the other hand I am wary whenever critique is focused on only one side of an issue. Within the fertile grounds of global politics I am sure we could find ways to satirize the bizarre behavior of everyone equally! :)

Insofar as facism and the US goes, there was an interesting thread on facism vs. communism that may still be floating around. My basic view is that in periods of great social discontent, particularly with a government that is seen as too globalist or supporting of social welfare we are likely to see facism rear its ugly head. Many of the points made in the defining characteristics of Facism are entrenched in our society to one degree or another.
And many of the characteristics of socialism are well entrenched in our society (and politics) as well.

IMHO anyway, the US is in much more danger of becoming a socialist state than a fascist one. Those on the Left have done a much better job of promising free stuff than has the Right.

For those who actually read the page at Rense.com you did see this at the bottom of the page correct?

If you haven't been to the Liberty Forum it was started for the libertarian contingent of ex-FreePers who left Freeperville after the "Bush is now God" contingent took over at FreeRepublic.

As to the rest of Rense, I don't see where it's any worse than WorldNetDaily, USAToday or any other "mainstream" and "not-quite-mainstream" publications. You still have to sift through the rubble to find the good stuff. Of course, if you choose to put your brain in neutral and want to find things you agree with in order to be a more comfortable fence-sitter or middle-of-the-road moderate then any publication you agree with will do just fine. Just remember, the truth is where you find it, even if it is on the heels of the Devil.

Is anybody else sick of these endless Hitler/Third Reich analogies?

They're used so often because they're very recognizable and relatively effective.

If you haven't been to the Liberty Forum it was started for the libertarian contingent of ex-FreePers who left Freeperville after the "Bush is now God" contingent took over at FreeRepublic.

Yeah, that's pretty much why I stopped reading FreeRepublic. Haven't been to LibertyForum, though.
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