2 wheeled range runs, why not?

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Feb 1, 2014
Western Kentucky
I have a honda rebel I bought for putting around open air and saving gas money in the process. I have had several other bikes but figured I get something aimed at economy rather than wheelies this time. I also have a kolpin case laying around from use on an atv. My brain kicked into gear here and now I'm thinking kolpin case on right side rear and ammocan left side rear. Kolpin obviously for long gun (or golf clubs, fishing rod...) and ammocan for ammo and handgun in a plastic case inside (also golf balls, shoes, tackle box, targets, hunting vest....stuff...). So my question is why not do it? If I configure everything lockable it should pass muster with any LEO I know of in my surrounding states I frequent (Indiana, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois for a few miles headed into Missouri). Are there any concerns I am overlooking in my excitement and brainstorming?
I've done it on my Harley, but I keep the guns with me. I have backpacks big enough to take everything I need with me, and can even bring an AR pistol if I break it down
I don't see theft as a problem. I have plenty places I can eat while watching the bike. For pee stops, well...guys can figure those out easily. For "other" stops I wouldn't be concerned either. That's what the TP in the tank bag is for....
I would lock everything up for the purpose of meeting safe transportation act guidelines, so it would take a bit for a theft anyways. I know bolt cutters are quick, but that's where insurance comes into play.
I have made more than a few range trips on my bike. In my case I have hard luggage that will hold pistols or some long guns when taken down or folded (e.g. a keltec sub2000 fits easily) and lock. I wouldn't take a long gun that couldn't be put in the luggage. I would not attach one of those rifle scabbards.

I follow the same security practices on a bike that I follow after all range trips.
"2 wheeled range runs, why not?"
Anyone else read that as "2 wheeled range guns?" I was thinking of Goryunovs and PKMs...and KPVs

As far as bikes, I one day dream of pulling up in an Ural with a DP28 on the sidecar :cool: :evil:. Three wheels rather than two, though.

I have carried a shotgun in a scabbard over my back. The cop that pulled me over told me if I went down I would have a broken back. He was right. Convenience isn't always better than intelligence.
In my case: One of my personal post-range "security" protocols is to stop on the way home, park, walk away from my vehicle, and wait at least an hour. Of course I do this somewhere where I can watch it in case it, um...well, who knows what it might do. I've found that the best place to do so is a restaurant that has a good view of their parking lot.

While I may legally be able to open carry an AK into the local Fishy Joe's, I don't particularly want to.

Others may have other reasons.
Maybe a scabbard with a backpack trap you can lock into your bike?
Stop the bike, unlock the scabbard, shoulder it and go pee.

I just wear the scabbard with my SKS all the time when I ride.

Range has a 'must be cased' rule and my SKS is the only one that fits in the scabbard for motorcycle riding :)

Anyone in VA ever see an idiot going up 606 with and SKS on his back... thats me. Wave!
...plus a burger and some iced tea is usually welcome after a morning of shooting. :)

Follow-home unpleasantness after shooting has happened to a few people. I figure going somewhere public beats my isolated home, some of the troublesome sorts will get bored and try to steal while I'm eating (and watching), some will get bored and go follow someone else, and if they choose to wait it out and continue following it slightly increases the odds I will notice them.
I've done it. I've packed four sixguns and all the accoutrements for blackpowder shooting in my Blackhawk 3-day pack and spent the afternoon making smelly smoke. I've also used the pack to haul home a new rifle, strapped to the bottom tie-downs.

Of course, a rack would make it easy to strap your range bag down and go. So I would every once in a while borrow the old man's Road King in lieu of my stripped-down Dyna.
I've also used the pack to haul home a new rifle,

Only time I've ever used layaway was the day I stopped at an unfamiliar gun shop during a Saturday ride and happened upon a rifle I had been hunting for for several years. No back pack, no way to fit it in the hard bags. I briefly considered strapping it across the cargo rack, then put it on layaway and came back the next weekend.
Sounds like a good idea to me. I am unfamiliar with Kolpin cases, but they look good to me. My only requirement would be that they be fairly theft resistant and securely fastened to the bike.

Nothing is theft proof. But if you make it difficult, time consuming, or requiring special tools or knowledge, most thieves are going to look elsewhere.

I recently bought an army rocket launcher case, (steel, and weather proof), that is big enough to contain one of several rifles I own. It is being mounted in my open CJ-3 Jeep, which I plan to drive to Colorado and New Mexico with. Somebody with the right tools could cut it open, but it will take time and not be quiet. I consider it to be quite secure for storing my rifle untended for short period of times.
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