2008 Candidate: John Cox on The Issues

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Sep 26, 2005
A Real Conservative Running for President...

John Cox on The Issues

Winning the War, Supporting Our Troops...
John Cox firmly supports the President's policies in the War on Terrorism. A board member of his local USO chapter, John will "effectively and actively support the men and women who are serving so honorably and capably in our armed forces."
John believes in the Reagan principle of peace through strength; we need to make sure we use diplomacy and involve the world as much as we can. But in the end, we may have to take the reins and make our point clear. The Bush doctrine of democracy must be maintained and we should use trade expansion and economic opportunity to bring the world along with us to peace. Our military has to be the best equipped and best trained. At the same time, we ought to develop a defensive space shield to help blunt potential nuclear attacks on us.

On terrorism, communication and infiltration are required to bring criminal conspirators to justice. John believes that we cannot inspect everyone and everything -- that is no way to live or conduct an economy. We are better off using our resources to go after the criminals who would kill wantonly.

Supporting gun rights...
John Cox is a Lifetime member of the NRA and fully supports gun ownership and the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to bear arms.

Gun control uses precious resources and does not go after criminals, just law abiding citizens. Concealed Carry actually helps prevent crime. Talk to people in states that have adopted it.

Immigration Reform...
John Cox believes that America must regain control of its borders and institute an immigration policy that doesn't reward illegal behavior. A nation without an effective immigration policy cannot and will not be militarily or economically secure. John believes we need to penalize employers of illegal immigrants and enforce the law effectively. At the same time, he values legal immigration. He believes we need more working Americans to compete with China and India. We are nation of immigrants and should welcome anyone who wants to come to this country legally and become an American. A guest worker plan is wrong and doesn't address the root problems -- it is a short-term fix that won't work.

American Liberty, American Independence...
John Cox will always work to maintain our national sovereignty, and will fight against those who would hand our independence and power over to unelected international bureaucrats. He will fight to restore and defend constitutionally limited government. He believes strongly in fighting crime and defending the entire Bill of Rights including our Second Amendment right to defend our families, our communities, our nation, our property and ourselves.

The Inalienable Right to Life...
John Cox is Pro-Life and isn't afraid to lead on this important moral issue. Our founding documents guarantee the God-given right to life, and John is now and has always been committed to restoring America's respect for that right, whether at the beginning or end of life. He will always be a voice for the weakest and most helpless among us. As he was raised during his first five years by a working single mom, he understands the challenge and responsibility of children and the harm abortion does to women. John believes all children deserve protection, from conception to natural death.

Judicial Reform...
John Cox is fed up with activist judges who are damaging America and its institutions by legislating their liberal agenda from the bench, and will appoint strict constructionist jurists to the courts. Important social issues should be decided in the legislatures, not in the courts by unelected judges.

Conservative Leadership...
John Cox is a national conservative leader. He has run for the U.S. Senate and has supported extensively the Republican National Committee and the Republican Senatorial Trust. He has served as President of the Cook County Republican Party and has worked many years to help elect Republican candidates, starting with his service on Jack Kemp's Illinois steering committee in 1988.

The American Family...
John Cox is a defender of the American family as our most fundamental institution, and therefore stands opposed to gay "marriage" and "civil unions," and in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment. He is a very involved and dedicated father to his four wonderful daughters.

An Experienced Teacher...
John Cox is an experienced teacher with hands on classroom instruction experience. He is a former school board member who believes in educational choice and local control of our schools by parents and taxpayers. He also has a vision for, and an understanding of, the tremendous educational opportunities that will exist in the future for our children and grandchildren due to technological advances.

Fundamental Tax Reform...
John Cox believes that in the next decade, America must and will move to replace our complex and inefficient income tax system with a much fairer one based upon consumption, such as the Fair Tax, known as HR 25. As the first CPA to be elected President, he will educate Americans about this issue for as long as it takes to get the job done. Until that goal is reached, he will continue to work for further tax cuts and simplification within the current system. He has called for an immediate and permanent end to the “death tax” which has forced so many families to sell off farms and businesses that have taken generations to build.

Religious Freedom...
John Cox believes that religious freedom is a fundamental human right. America should be steadfast and sure in supporting the rights of individuals to express their religious beliefs in every corner of the world. John is a baptized Catholic who believes we need to welcome and embrace all persons of any religious belief; the First Amendment establishes freedom of religion not freedom from religion.

Free but Fair Trade...
John Cox supports free but fair trade policies. He believes that, as the world's largest economy, we must exercise our tremendous economic power to force our trading partners to open their markets to our goods and services. John believes that American business needs a level playing field with vast improvements necessary in our tax and regulatory systems. When Americans have that fair playing field, we can and will compete with anyone in the world.

The American Economy...
John Cox, a proven businessman, will strive to support our farmers, our small businesses and the working people. This is where most of our innovation and job creation takes place. Agriculture is a key industry; having a stable and safe domestic food supply is necessary for national security. Likewise, the more that our goods and services are produced domestically, the less we must depend on foreign sources. We must protect the earth, but environmental regulations must make sense to work and must be structured so that they are practical and help strengthen our economy.

SO - I ask - WHY NOT???
name recognition = nil.
You could have said the same thing about Obama two years ago...

I am hoping to CHANGE that....
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